Short Story: The Tale of White Rose And Black Rose

in bedtimestories •  8 years ago 

When I was younger I loved bed time stories. Sometimes when my mom was tired of reading the same books she would make up stories... This was one of my favorite:

The Tale of White Rose and Black Rose

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Once upon a time there were two sisters, White Rose and Black Rose. They didn't get along very well because White Rose was incredibly beautiful and Black Rose was not. White Rose didn't like playing with Black Rose but had no choice when they went with their parents to the park.

One day they decided to take their favorite ball to the park with them. While playing with it, Black Rose failed to catch the ball and it ended up falling down a hole. White Rose was furious and demanded that Black Rose go into the hole to retrieve the ball. Black Rose crawled into the tiny hole and ended up in a new world. It was beautiful but she couldn't see the ball anywhere. She decided to walk around and look for it.

Walking past a pond she saw an old man trapped with his long beard caught on a stick. Spotting Black Rose he begged for help. Black rose ran to his side and started to untangle his beard from the stick. After he was freed she asked if he had seen a ball. He told her that he had and pointed her in the direction of the ball. She thanked him and hurried on, knowing that White Rose was probably growing impatient.

Black Rose then came across a house, she knocked on the door and it opened, Knowing it was rude to enter someone's house without permission she called out to ask if anyone was there. A small feint call came back. It sounded like an old lady in need of help. Black Rose entered the house and found the old lady in her bed, her house a mess and the lady too weak to get up. Thinking about her grandmother who she loved dearly, she couldn't stand to see the old woman like this. Right away she started cleaning, she put on some tea for the lady and brought it to her and once she was done cleaning the old ladies house she made her some soup and help her eat it. Once the soup was done the old lady looked at Black Rose and smiled. "thank you child" she said. "you have the most beautiful heart and as a thank you for your kindness I will give you this gift. Every time you open your mouth a diamond will fall out to show your beauty and worth that is on the inside to the world outside." Black rose thanked the old lady for the gift and left the house. She found the ball outside and quickly ran back to her sister.

White Rose was waiting for her by the hole and demanded to know what took her so long, but when Black Rose opened her mouth to speak a diamond fell out. After telling the story to White Rose, she became jealous of the gift and wanted one for herself too, thinking that because she is already so beautiful her gift will be far superior.

She Went down the hole and saw the old man. He had his beard stick in a tree but White Rose told him that she didn't have time to help him and walked on. Finding the house of the old lady. The house was dirty again. She entered the house and saw the old lady, she started cleaning just as her sister before her. White Rose was complaining the whole time while cleaning and after the house was clean she made the soup. When she went in to give the soup to the old lady she demanded to be given a gift as well.

The old lady, seeing the ugliness within told her that because she was so ugly on the inside something equally as ugly will fall out of her mouth every time she spoke. Trying to protest White Rose opened her mouth and a frog fell out. She ran back to her sister sobbing and angry. When she saw Black Rose she wanted to scream at her but as she opened her mouth a frog fell out. Horrified by this Black Rose went back into the hole to beg the old lady to take away the curse on White Rose.

Again she faced the obstacles like before and again she faced it with kindness and humility. She then reached the old woman's house and continued to beg her to remove the curse on her sister and give it to her instead. The woman was surprised by this "you would do that for someone who is never nice to you?" she asked. Black Rose explained that she would because White Rose is her sister and even if she is mean, she loves her.

Touched by the mercy in Black Rose's heart the old lady agreed to remove the curse, but told Black Rose because she is so good and kind she will now look like she does on the inside.

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Black Rose went back to the real world and saw her sister. She ran to her so she could tell her the good news, but her sister didn't recognize her. Black Rose was in fact so beautiful that her sister thought she was a princess. The prince on his way to the palace went through the park and stopped immediately when he saw Black Rose. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" He said. "I would like to marry you". As she opened her mouth to speak a diamond fell out. The Prince fell more in love and said it was fate that they were meant to meet. The kingdom was struggling financially and she would be the end of all the trouble. Black Rose agreed to marry the prince. Before they left White Rose looked at her and asked her name saying that she has a ugly sister who also had diamonds fall out of her mouth ever time she spoke. Black Rose smiled and told her that she is her sister, leaving White Rose in shock as she drove off with the prince and lived happily ever after.


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Entered thanks !👍