Day 1 of Being a Beekeeper's Assistant

in beekeeping •  7 years ago 

With the weekend being a washout today was the day that my sister transferred the bees from the nuc box to the hive.

The morning started with a bit of a setback since we couldn't find the correct drillbit and the neighbor was mowing his lawn. My sister just used a regular Philip's head to get the screws out. I lowered the nuc box while my sister took off the top of the hive. She was using a veil while I just went with my usual clothes.

Since she made an investment in this new hobby she was nervous. It's easy to hide your fears and doubts when you're among other beginners. She had more hands on experience than me but since she was taking the lead without an experienced beekeeper was causing her to second guess herself. I just hope I can provide her with enough help to make it a success.



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I like how you you all set up the hive:):)