Varroa Mite on a Honey BeesteemCreated with Sketch.

in beekeeping •  8 years ago 

One of my bees with a varroa mite on her.


Varroa 2.jpg

Varroa 3.jpg

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Good clear picture, hopefully you will get rid of these mites. Any plans in doing so?

I've heard people say that if you can see them on your bees there are already way too many. Do you do oxalic acid treatments?

This photo is from a few years ago. I have used hopgaurd but it is messy to use it works though. After doing a lot of research I have come to the conclusion that treatment free bee centric management is the way to go. Coevolution of bee and mite will find an equilibrium. Bringing in a widened gene pool will help, a few scientists are collecting bee sperm from overseas and inseminating queens here in the US to do just that.

My neighbor says that his hive is suffering from mites. We are planning on dosing them with oxalic acid soon. I've seen mites on my bees and have seen them grooming mites off of each other, but this will be the first time I've tried any treatments.