Beer Review: KORISCA A.P.A

in beer-review •  8 years ago 

Hmm! Malty and silky!

It pearls a bit on the palate like champagne and then a quite bitter taste takes over together with the grapefruit which then gets taken over by the bitterness again. At the end the smooth malt leaves one with a hmm!

Today I am drinking the KORISCA A.P.A. Normally it would be called I.P.A for Indian Pale Ale but because this bottle is from the Azores it is called A.P.A.

It consists of malt, hop, yeast and water.


I am drinking it in the Caldeiras Bar where it was waiting for me in the fridge. It's the first time I drink it because it costs 3 euros but I thought that I will have the money back in a week and grabbed it. It's also rare and likely nobody wrote about it before.

Strange: I don't see a number on how much is in the bottle. Only that it has 5.5% alcohol and is made for the company:

Rua Estrada do Pico Castelhano
Chã do Rego D'Água
9560-301 Cabouco


Together with some vinegar eggs it's delicious and takes off the edges of the hot Piri-Piri which I ordered on the side with the eggs. A craft beer without preservatives. Bitter yet elegant.

A Shla Rafia Beer Rewview 2017

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Looks good.

Not a fan of ipa's my self bit to dark, i like pale ales tho, nice review! was there much hop fragrence? or mostly malt smells

Mostly malt I would say

Nice review