Beer Snobs And Casual Guinness Drinkers Feedback Wanted

in beer •  8 years ago 

What Does Guinness Draught Taste Like To You?

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This is a quick post after hearing from multiple bartenders saying that they could not describe what Guinness Draught tastes like. @pierces550 and I have a running tally over whether or not Guinness has a certain flavor or two that I can pick out (I strongly believe it has one flavor, and she strongly disagrees). I won't say what it is, so as not to influence anyone, but will reveal my personal opinion of what I feel it tastes like after the post.

5 Facts About Guinness You May Not Know

  1. Pouring a glass or pint of Guinness is a skill. A “perfect pour” should take 119.5 seconds. This is the result of pour at an angle of 45 degrees followed by a rest. This is crucial. After a pause, long enough so what’s in the glass is a perfect black, the rest of the glass is filled, again at a 45 degree angle. What is handed across the bar should have a creamy head and should be served at exactly 42.8F. credit here

  2. It’s not black. It’s not even brown. Hold your beer up to the light – or, hey, maybe try drinking someplace that isn’t so dimly lit. You’ll see that Guinness is actually a deep, dark red, a color the company attributes in part to the roasting of malted barley during the beer’s preparation. credit here

  3. Guinness isn't Vegan. It uses a small amount of isinglass as a clarification agent. Isinglass comes from the swim bladders of Beluga sturgeon and other fish. credit here

  4. Guinness is considered to be an aphrodisiac in some countries. In fact in some African countries, where the advertising regulations are more relaxed than in Europe or America, there are ads for Guinness featuring well known athletes, which subliminally give messages of strength and virility. It’s a big seller in Nigeria, where it’s also known as Black Power or here

  5. The First Guinness Book Of World Records Was Published To Help Settle Arguments In The Pubs. After a particularly unfruitful hunting trip, Hugh Beaver, the managing director of Guinness, mentioned that the bird he and friends had been hunting—the golden plover—must be the fastest bird in the world. When Beaver was unable to locate a reference book that could back his claim, he decided to create one. He stamped the Guinness name on the cover and handed the book out for free to pubs to help customers settle the debates and bets that happen so frequently after a pint. credit here

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Man, I'd love a Guinness right now, but since I can't have one, I promoted your post instead.

Thank you! It's greatly appreciated. Guinness is always a treat whether in a can, bottle or on tap. You can never go wrong when you order one :)

Try the Irish Carbomb if you want to weird your taste buds out ;-)

Funny you should mention this. I was actually debating about trying this yesterday. I opted for a white liquor in an edible chocolate shot glass instead. I do like intriguing flavors though, so I will have to try this next. I also saw a drink called flying guinness that has red bull and guinness. I love red bull and I love guinness, but can't imagine those two flavors blending into something palatable lol.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Guinness is a great drink. Doctors used to tell pregnant women to drink a little each day as it was packed with iron and good for you, and the baby. It is certainly good for the soul. In the 1920's they ran an advertising campaign with the slogan 'Guinness is Good for You' because people surveyed said that they felt good after a pint, true story, lol.

Guinness has a complex taste that is very hard to describe and I believe that is because it is so well balanced. Malt certainly comes through as does roasted barley. It has a smooth, mellow, creamy bitterness to it i.e. bitter overtones but subtle ones. It has a complex, slightly spicy aroma.

When poured from a tap the head should last all the way to the bottom of the glass. So as you are drinking it you are mainly drinking the brown ale but you are also taking in some of the head, almost like a filter.

Draught (tap) is the only way to drink Guinness. The cans don't come close to the draught, too carbonated and overall a far more watered down experience.

I've drunk Guinness in many countries and it does taste better in Ireland. Maybe that's just a placebo effect from being in an Irish pub (great craic). Purists will argue that Guinness doesn't travel well which why they say is it tastes better in Ireland (which it does). They do have quite a few breweries around the world now though, 18 I think.

Great drink, but heavy. Best drunk in cooler weather.

Glaze a ham with Guinness and honey and throw it in the oven, delicious.

If you have a big night on the Guinness the color of your stool the following day will be as dark as the Guinness that you were drinking the night before!

This is the type of comment that deserves far more rewards. I love learning new things, and not only did I learn something new, but you got me interested in researching guinness further.

I do believe that the ABV I've seen is different depending on the country you are in. (That could definitely affect the flavor along with other variables).

If I get the chance to visit Ireland I will have to compare an contrast how Guinness tastes. I bet it is akin to how "great" fruit that is shipped here cannot compete with going to the source and eating it straight from the tree.

I'm following you and will try to do a post promoting you and your quality comment to encourage others to engage and inform in the comment section.

That's a great analogy about eating fruit from the tree.

I'm glad that you enjoyed my feedback and thanks for the follow.

Comments are very important and I agree that they should receive greater rewards. One person may have the original idea but others can build on that idea, which in turn adds value to the original post and community at large as well as the steemit knowledge base, whilst encouraging people to comment more. It would also incentivize more steemians to read the post before upvoting.

I look forward to seeing a post on this topic and feel free to insert any of my comments if you deem them appropriate.

Nice to meet you and don't forget to try the ham and Guinness recipe, it truly is delicious.

I love Guinness and I could not have described it better. While I've never had beer in any other country, my family owns an Irish pub and we always have Guinness on tap...and I got very good at a perfect pour, with often a "you give great head" jokes from the regulars. LOL

It also requires a special tap than than other kegs.

Because it's so heavy, I usually limit myself to one or two. And Guinness only has about 15 more calories than a Bud Light, but the thick, smooth brew belies that, and it only has 4% alcohol, which is less than Bud, Bud Light, and Bud Ice.
Here's the thing with Guinness. It uses nitrogen in addition to carbon dioxide, like most beers, which may explain why it's not so fizzy. Here's a great link that explains how the widget works.

There could be many reasons why beer tastes differently in other countries:

  • are the taps clean?
  • where is it brewed? Each region has different water.
  • some countries are less regulated when it comes to % of alcohol.
    I am sad because I do not have Guinness in my fridge! But I often use it in the crockpot, especially when I'm making corned beef. YUM.

Man I don't know, Guinness just takes like Guinness to me, its it's own flavor!
It is one of the healthiest beers you can drink calories wise though.

Haha! Verbatim what every bartender has said. Most have said guinness is its own flavor, but I wonder how you would describe it to someone wanting to try it, but they will only try it if you can give some sort of description of what it is.

I got sick on Guinness once and haven't been able to drink it since. :-(

Interesting. Sick from too many Guinnesses (Guinni? haha) or sick from something in Guinness itself?

a fact you may of missed was at one time hospitals encourage pregnant woman to drink a glass for its iron content st one time, Guinness feels like drinking silk with a hoppy after taste,

That's an interesting fact. I did also see that some women were given small amounts of Guinness to help with lactation for those who were breastfeeding.

It's like a party in my mouth and everyone's coming!

Haha! I love this review. You should be featured in "beer drinkers weekly" :) Have to agree. It is quite a polarizing drink though. Not a whole lot of middle ground though. It's a love/hate drink from my experience.

When I take the first few sips of a pint of Guinness I feel like i get a small hint of oak. I don't know if oak barrels have anything to do with how it is made, but I do get a small hint of it.

I think that's a solid answer. I'll have to research about the storage. (I don't think it's stored in oak, but that doesn't mean the flavor of oak is absent).

Advertised you a bit in my Guinness review ;) Cheers!