Sours jackpot

in beer •  7 years ago  (edited)

It has been less than a year since I had my first sour beer and I am falling for them, hard. The main issue around here is availability; there are no pubs serving sours in my town, nor any shops selling them as far as I know. It's not like they're impossible to get, I can easily order them online or drive to the nearest city and get some from there but... you know how it is, laziness and all that :D

So imagine my surprise and delight earlier today when during my food shop I found these bad boys in one of the local supermarkets. Had to get a few cases, just in case.

Has anyone here had any of these before? Can't wait to try them!

Oh and as a curiosity bonus, a few days ago I've found this
which, in my opinion is more of a gimmick. It has a very faint citrusy flavour but no actual hoppiness; slightly disappointed by it to be fair; I was looking forward to a hoppy salad.

Few more hours and I'll be enjoying one of these little big beers. The question is ... which should I start with?

Cheers guys!

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Woohooo I'm so envious now... I love sours!

I'm afraid I can't do much about your envy from here but I will enjoy them with you in mind, hehe!

This beer looks really excellent. I'll follow you because I love beer and you seem to know you well. Good job and thank you

Beer, the great unifier!
Thank you my friend!

Never had a sour beer, will look out for them

They changed my views on beer so you should try them out if you get the chance. They're different from the beer I was used to and I have to admit the first mouthful I had made me ask my friend if they're supposed to taste like that; but now... I love them :D

I will have to seriously get one. Have not seen them here in South Africa!

That made me curious, googled and I came across Umqombothi . Now, I want to try that, hehe.

Will see if I can find it and then report back!


They can be so hard to find! I'm spoiled there are 5 places near me I know of that have them on tap at all times, but finding them in a store is still a rarity! What a find! Can't wait to hear how they are.

Now that's fortunate! People must be liking their sours in your area, nice.
Will keep you posted!

Yeah, they are fairly popular. It helps that the beer community here is just enormous. Still the sours are hit and miss...the one I had last week was probably the worst sour I have ever had, but I had one this past Saturday that was amazing (I'll be putting the one from Saturday up this week).

Will be keeping an eye out for the next post in your craft beer series to see this sour.
There is a pretty well developed beer community around here, but it's mostly focused on local styles. There are quite a few local breweries around as well which supply the pubs.

I think my new dream is to travel around meeting all the awesome beer lovers I have on here and go drink at all the local breweries by that would make for an awesome trip. Steemit Goals!

That is a good dream! I think most people would go for that. If only it were easy... Steemit goals indeed!

Will definitely try it out soonest. Thanks for sharing

Petrus!! So good.

Never had one of theirs before, but I agree!

Same company in the picture? Thought you picked up a pack.

It's a Petrus sour beer pack. Although I should have paid a bit more attention as on one side of the box it says sours and thr other side says traditional. Basically the box has 3 Petrus sours and 3 of their traditional ales. I only had one of them so far and if it's any indication I'll be quite happy with all of them:) At the price the shop was selling them it's a steal anyway. Buying two single bottles from online retailers here is more expensive than buying the pack of 6.