Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Wheat: An Amateurish Beer Review

in beer •  7 years ago 

A seasonal pumpkin beer from a major brewery trying to masquerade as a craft microbrew. What could go wrong?

"Creatively brewed to complement the traditional flavors of the season, Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Wheat combines cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon along with real pumpkin. It's the perfect choice for whenever friends gather around the table."

To be honest, I can barely taste any pumpkin, although there is a definite pumpkin spice flavor. A bit much, to my mind. There's an almost cloying sweetness to the malt, and very little hops. It's watery, and not very carbonated. 5.7% ABV is above average for a major brewery like Coors, for whatever that's worth.

All told, I'd suggest giving this seasonal brew a pass in favor of something else unless you're really a fan of pumpkin-spice-everything this time of year.

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Amateurish Beer Review Archive

That's a lot of articles about beer. I suppose you take a break between. 🍺😁

Well, I average less than a post a week in the series, so yeah.

I have tried quite a few of the interesting flavor mixes that Blue Moon has come out with. In my experience, actual taste has always left me wanting after reading what the flavors are supposed to be. So I have pretty much given up on them at this point. They're not bad, by any means, they just rather disappoint.

That's the problem, though. In this modern era of microbrews, you need to go beyond "not bad" and produce something that's actually good.