Bombardier Glorious English Ale: An Amateurish Beer Review

in beer •  7 years ago 

It's been a while since I tried this, but I found my unpublished notes and decided it was better late than never.

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Some English beers are generally quite good. Some are decidedly not. A subsidiary of Charles Wells Ltd, Bombardier is very proud to be English, so I was a bit leery of a beer that is so eager to flaunt its nationality. It seems at first glance to be as gauche as a Budweiser commercial bragging about being American, and we all know how lackluster Anheuser-Busch products tend to be. However, this beer actually put a decent brew behind the pompous label and inside a proper brown glass bottle.

This is a solid example of English Premium Bitter or ESB. Despite the name of the style, it's a very malty brew with little hops bitterness. It has a substantial mouth feel with good carbonation. At 4.7% ABV, it's certainly not overpoweringly strong. While I like just a bit less malty sweetness and a bit more bitterness in a brew, this earns my recommendation. I can't vouch for the accuracy of its claim to be "England in a glass," it's certainly worth a try if you ever see it for sale in the States.

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Ive had this beer, I rated it a 3.0/5 on Untappd. I thought it was just a standard English beer, nothing special about it. decent but not great.

I still prefer Samuel Smith if I want an English beer myself.

Yes Samuel Smith makes some good beers. I just had their taddy porter and reviewed that, it was good.

I quite like their Oatmeal Stout when I can find it.

Have you had the chocolate stout? It’s realky good too.