Founders Brewing All Day IPA - An Amateurish Beer Review

in beer •  7 years ago  (edited)

Time for a trip into Michigan to sample a brew from Founders Brewing Company! No actual travel was involved, though.

I opted to buy 19.2 oz. pseudo-tallboy can, because that was the only option available as a single. As a side note, I think cans are nowadays unfairly maligned. It's a personal keg, with perfect protection from any light that might skunk the contents. But are the contents worth consuming in the first place? Well, I'm no teetotaler, although I do advise moderation in the consumption of any intoxicant, so let's give it a try!


This is the scent that assailed me upon opening this beer. There's a hint of the expected citrus, but evergreen aromas dominate.


OK, that's an exaggeration. It's "only" 42 IBU, and I have had far more bitter beers and enjoyed them. I like Arrogant Bastard Ale for example, and it is much more bitter. But this beer also has an unexpectedly sharp pine flavor to accompany the smell, and it's a bit startling.


After the initial surprise, this beer is interesting. It's not very heavily carbonated, but not really what I would consider watery either. There's a bit of maltiness behind the hops, but I do think the hops are overbearing. Still, this is an IPA, so that is to be expected.

Actually, "IPA" isn't quite the right label. This only 4.7% ABV, making it much weaker than the usual IPA fare. The can clearly says "Session Ale," too. Like the name of the beer, this refers to its lower alcohol volume as being suitable for extended consumption without hitting you too hard with the alcohol. But I still wouldn't call it a weak beer, as though it were merely an over-hopped version of a light beer from a macrobrewery.

All told, while I don't regret trying it, it's not for everybody, and I wouldn't probably seek this out again. I certainly wouldn't object if someone were to offer me one, though.

Image credit: Founders Brewing Company

Amateurish Beer Review Archive


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Nice review. I do agree with you in that its not a beer for everyone. I think its goal is to be an easy-drink low alcohol IPA that you can enjoy throughout the day with friends. Hence the name "All day." The problem is not every drinking event fits this criteria. I still like it, but I don't get it too often for this reason.

Grand Rapids is 40 min east of me. I hope you enjoyed yourself!

Alas, the travel was metaphorical, and I have never been east of Wisconsin.

I picked that up. The craft beer scene in west michigan is popping

I'm sure my fiancee who's extremely allergic to pine trees would definitely just love it if I picked one of these up, lol. For real though, sounds like a pretty strange little beer. I'm not much of a beer drinker and prefer to just drink whiskey or vodka with coke, but it definitely sounds like it would be interesting to try.

Great, now you've made me crave beer at 8:44 a.m... Shoulda waited a couple hours before reading this post.

Sounds interesting would love to try it! I love a good session IPA. We have some great local craft beers over here have you tried some good Australian beer?

Nope, just Foster's. I was... unimpressed. But it's not like Budweiser represents all of American beers, so I won't hold that against the entire Australian industry either.

Haha fosters isnt even Australian any more! Its a bad representation thats for sure.

I will consider your ideas. I love beer. I do not know if I can find these brand names in the country I live in. but I will try to find. thank you