Landing a swarm to the hive! Beekeeper. New hive with the bees. What is a swarm of bees.

in bees •  8 years ago  (edited)

So, What is a swarm of #bees?

Swarming of bees is when the parent family is forced to split into two almost equal parts. At a time when the first part will remain in the same habitat, second (with old or young bee queen) will hit the road to search for a new residence. 

About this reproduction is a lot of debate among scholars and practitioners #beekeepers.

How to put a swarm in the hive?

In my opinion, the most effective planting bees by using the gangway. Gangway for Swarming are a sheet of plywood or fiberboard, one end of which is tapered to 20 cm with the narrow end Gangways are placed on the arrivals Board.

The longitudinal and the underside of the plywood edge slats. Unlike violent landing directly on frame in hive with a swarm of bees settled gangway self-propelled. Bees naturally go through the notches. Beautiful come, together, without crowding, injury and anger bees. To monitor this process very interesting. Landing a swarm in a hive with staircases, we can say, gentle way.

The beekeeper, as it invites and does not force the bees to occupy a well-appointed nest.

The work planted by this method, the swarm starts the next morning. After landing a swarm in a new hive has no one bee will not return to the old hive. If this is an early swarm, he manages to gain strength to the main trick.

#Swarm activity due to the fact that the first time the bees are too busy rearing brood and they are dominated by the instinct of accumulation of feed. 

On second plan is being pushed equally important is the instinct of procreation. Sometimes the bees fill the cells so that the bee queen there is no place even to lay eggs.

The main task of the beekeeper in the summer – not only to increase the strength of bee colonies, but also to keep them in working condition.

Thank you for your attention!

@kental with you!

Follow me If you want to learn more about beekeeping

My last article about Production of frames for the hive with your hands

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air, water, food, shelter, and bees. love bees. support bees. without them we are lost.

good poem

didn't think of it as a poem, but thanks

An unintentional haiku! :-D


I like your beekeeper posts. Very interesting and informative.

thank you

That's quite interesting, still hard to understand but very informative at the same time. Do you just place the new hive next to the old hive and the bees themselves go to the new hive at their own will or do you have to catch a bunch of bees and put them into the new hive?

Yes, we take a large number of bees and put them to the cast of the hive

а у тебя таких домиков нет?
