Roblox Gameplay - Bee Swarm Simulator! Getting Swarming Egg of the Hive [Roblox Egg Hunt 2020]

in beeswarmsimulator •  5 years ago 

🐣 Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator Gameplay! Getting Swarming Egg of the Hive [Roblox Egg Hunt 2020]! Loud Warning!

In this video, I will show you how to get the Roblox Egg Hunt 2020 Swarming Egg of the Hive Virtual Roblox Item in the Roblox Game Bee Swarm Simulator!

-- Use these time point to skip to the section in the video:
0:02:31 I have not play this game for such a long time! Now back here for the Egg Hunt Event!
0:02:41 First find Sun Bear for the Egg Hunt Quest - He's right next to the hive area!
0:03:25 The quest is to get and complete 3 other quests from 3 other bears in the main world!
0:03:34 Lets talk to Black Bear First! Collect pollen and kill two chicks in the Sunflower Field!
0:05:09 Finished the quest and going back to Black Bear!
0:05:57 Next the Brown Bear's Quest!
0:06:46 You need to buy the scissors Clipper tool from the shop to cut this vine!
0:08:01 Now Complete the obby and defeat the commando chick!
0:09:42 Last Bear - Mother Bear Quest! Feed 1 Moon Charm to one of your Bees, Get 2 Bees to Level 4 (which I already have that) and capture the Spotted Chick!
0:11:04 Feeding my Bees some treats and the moon charms!
0:12:09 To find the Spotted Chick, go to the token tent and go behind it, follow a tunnel and you should see it there!
0:14:35 After reporting back to Mother Bear, Go back to the Sun Bear for the Egg Hunt Reward!
0:14:55 I got the Swarming Egg of the Hive Virtual Roblox Item!

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-- Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator By Onett

-- About Bee Swarm Simulator
🥚 Egg Hunt 🥚 [Roblox Egg Hunt 2020] Swarming Egg of the Hive! You’ll never want to take this off, which is fortunate because the honey is EXTREMELY sticky.
🐻 Brown Bear Rework - His new quests have a 1hr cooldown, and they scale up in difficulty and rewards with each quest. They reward a Silver Egg (25 quests), Gold Egg (50), Diamond Egg (75), and Mythic Egg (100 quests), plus lots of other goodies.
🐝 New Bee: Fuzzy Bee! - This Mythic Bee uses its shaggy fur to pollinate flowers, temporarily upgrading them to the next tier! Upgraded flowers grant more pollen and grow faster.
🐣 Egg Hunt - Help Sun Bear capture Chicks to earn this year's Egg Hunt Egg! Talk to Sun Bear first for some free honey, then complete Black Bear, Mother Bear, and Brown Bear's chick capturing quests. Also take on the Mondo Chick for special loot!

Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator Created 3/21/2018, Updated 4/22/2020, Max Players 6, Genre Adventure. (Online Multiplayer Game, Bee Swarm Simulator, Swarming Egg of the Hive, Easter Egg Hunt 2020, Roblox Egg Hunt 2020)

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Let me know in the comment what game you would like to see me play.

I Love you all Chloe Tubers!

Roblox Bad Business Gameplay / Chloe Lim April 2020 Gamelog / #BeeSwarmSimulator / #SwarmingEggoftheHive / #EasterEvent

Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator Gameplay! Getting Swarming Egg of the Hive [Roblox Egg Hunt 2020]
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