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JGD Appaji 🙏🏻 Om Namo Hanumathe Namaha 🙏🏻

Jaya Guru Datta Appaji!

Jaya Guru Datta!
So sad to see same situation in our time. Demons are torturing good people. World is on the edge of new world war.
Demons are not only outside - they torture many people inside as well, making our minds a battlefiled.
Thats why it is so soothing to read Hanuman chalisa, to know that Gods will always stand for us, the plan is in action, the salvation is on the way.
Om Namo Hanumate Namaha! Jai Veera Hanuman!
Sri Guru Datta

Kal Niranjan, the torture of illusion ⊙

jai hanuman :)

Jaya Guru Datta Appaji

Jayagurudatta Appaji..Om Namo Hanumate Namaha

JGD rakshasas days were soon to end SGD