Being Different!?

in beingdifferent •  2 years ago 

I was laying in bed last night and trying to sleep but I couldn’t for such moments my ADHD mind developed an exercise.

First, I try to forget my body by losing my sense of direction, as if I’m in zero-g or beamed up by scotty. I start with my toes, go upwards towards my arms and I end with my head.

Once I’ve reached that state, I begin a search for the thing in me that is alive, that defines me, my inner conscious self, and every time I do this, I end up somewhere else.

This is where I was last night, I just woke up, so I write it down before its gone…

Have you ever recorded your own voice and played it back and noticed that the person you hear talking every day sounds completely different than the person you hear in that recording?

Of course, the scientific way your voice travels to your own ear from the inside is different from what arrives outside.

Hold that thought for a moment and think about “what if the world you experience is a complete figment of your imagination and that the only thing real in it is the other beings you share your existence with?”

To share your existence all you must do is to stop someone and have a totally random conversation. Let’s say right now while you are reading this, you’re standing in New York on Time Square looking at a large crowd of unknown people. Most of them are background noise, like in a computer game.

Now pick one of these people and talk with them, ask them how they are, what they had for lunch or whatever comes to mind and for a tiny moment your both minds connect.

Let’s go a little bit deeper in that thought and return to our example of the recorded voice. What if the world you see, and feel is different from the one the individual on time square is experiencing.

Like what if they look at you and they see a completely different person than the one that you see. What if the colors are different in their world what you for example think is green, for them it’s what I see is red and what you define as brown is white.

You both mean the same when you speak about that wonderful green this tree leaves have.

And now let your mind play with that thought and apply the possibilities to everything you want, buildings, space, the universe...

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Someone sent me message on a gig app and then I wanted to learn more, so although I was not in Times Square, I called to have a conversation and exchange knowledge.