When humanity finally arrives

in beliefs •  7 years ago  (edited)


Life hasn't been easy for us for the last few thousand years, certainly. I was driving somewhere the other day, thinking about medical science, and my own personal health. I had just come from the holistic doctor, my first ever visit after a couple decades into my adult life, and we were talking about the simplest of treatments for so many wide varieties of ailment. I had a couple in particular that I have manifested over the years, and now are at a point where I needed physical assistance because I had missed the boat on self-treatment through other modalities prior.

One of the thoughts I had was, how our traditional medical science has failed so miserably for what has been the entirety of my life and a generation or two before me. One might say well, of course the medical industry is controlled by the pharmaceutical companies and curing people simply isn't profitable, and so therefore the medical system is rife with falsified research data and regulating bodies are in the pocket of big pharma, etc. The other side of that awareness is simply a question: has medical science cured anything in the past 75 years? Is there really anything to be proud of? The pattern in the mainstream media is: a new disease or pandemic scare arises and a new vaccine is delivered to combat it, hoorah; but at any time in the last 75 years was there ever a declared cure of anything? I cannot think of a single instance. It just seems like diseases faded into the background of simply managing the symptomatic effects of the disease through the ingestion of various bottles of pills.

In terms of nutrition and preventative health, diet or treatment 'x' helps with ailment 'y' this week, and next week, it is something different. Chaos reigns, with no harmony, no truth, no straight answer. No proven factual data stating that our bodies work 'this way', so simply do this: (______), for optimum health. Medical science really doesn't know the truth about how our bodies work, and definitely not our brains.

And this article isn't even about the failing medical system we have adopted for our species. It as actually more about identifying everything we will eventually get right.

I was thinking that if we as a species did evolve to a place where we realized our own individual sovereignty and divinity, and became aware of our own unity consciousness, what would we end up transforming our world into as a result of that? It would seem common sense that we would treat all incarnate beings here with equal divinity and respect, and we would eventually realize we all simply want to enjoy our lives in peace and safety, and truthfully that there is enough room on the surface of the planet to house everyone, enough food to feed everyone, and that we can simply disclose the existing suppressed technologies that allow us to live together more harmoniously with nature and re-terra-form our own planet and systems of society into a planet where we can simply all live really without the need of money. A world where we just support one another out of respect for one another. War, conflict, scrambling over resources, fighting over bullshit false flag events concocted by the elite? Highly doubtful.

In truth, we can never get there unless the entire species wakes up to the point where we realize our own divinity and truly decide to help one another. Until that time, there will be some of us blogging and trying to get the word out, trying to awaken the sleeping masses, to encourage people to discover this truth within themselves. Slowly this number is growing because people are starting to recognize it for what it is, which is our own natural evolution. Once enough of us have evolve to that point, we can look around at each other and realize that mutual respect and respect for our life giving planet is a plainly obvious axiom, and at that point we simply discard the old dysfunctional systems and instantly start creating new ones on the spot, and also looking to ancient past to adopt more common sense methods of living, using technology as a lever as opposed to an escapist addiction. Where we evolve our own awareness of our bodies at an energetic level like the ancients knew, and bring that forward into the future as an understanding of our own advanced natural existence. Where interstellar travel and exploration of other star systems is common place and routine, and we can have cultural exchange with other planetary cultures and even welcome mentors as we grow into our own evolved society.

We see contributionist systems of societal support and nurturing arising out of the dust of capitalist elitist dysfunction, in a way that provides safety for freedom of expression and the greatest possible quality of life. Communication and transportation technologies advance to the point where we no longer need roads or car tires or have the need to rely on burning fossil fuels at high temperatures (a technology more than a century old now) and calling it 'energy'. Where people in a community share tasks, where the act of raising our children and caring for our elders is woven into the fabric of our day to day society so that contribution is recognized at all levels.

The examples go on and on. I realized a while ago that the idea of what the future can look like, needs to now be introduced into our collective consciousness. It's obvious that the tipping point to our awareness of shared divinity is approaching, and we need to know what to do with this awareness. It is time to start to talk about the vision of our next world, and seed this knowledge into our collective awareness. If you are reading this, it is time to share your vision, and if you are already,


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