My ding a ling

in bell •  7 years ago  (edited)

There is this place in France... Legal Research Guide: France

2014 -
Judicial Review of Executive Policymaking in Advanced Democracies: Beyond Rights Review.
Administrative Law Review, Vol. 66, 2014
Susan Rose-Ackerman
Yale Law School

Learning the language of love

Comparative Administrative Law Francesca Bignami
George Washington University Law School

Project Canterbury

The Legal Use of Church Bells

By Eugene Augustus Hoffman.

Philadelphia: Allen, Lane and Scott, 1877

Bell v. United States,349 U.S. 81 (1955)
Mann Act. Other short titles. White-Slave Traffic Act of 1910. Long title. An Act to further regulate interstate and foreign commerce by prohibiting the transportation therein for immoral purposes of women and girls, and for other purposes. Man you Act like ding a ling! What are you going to do... take it on the road? Travel Act or International Travel Act of 1961, 18 U.S.C. § 1952 Oh, okay. Mann act... old bone the top dog's got beef with: Skeleton of unidentified dinosaur sells for $2.36 million to private buyer, and scientists are ticked off

In 1963, an act of Congress officially authorized the Let Freedom Ring National Bell Ringing Ceremony. This patriotic act says it is "fitting" and "appropriate" to ring bells in honor of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence. To participate on the 4TH OF JULY, bell ringing institutions across the country are to ring 13 times at 2:00 p.m. EDST.

Bell v. United States, 366 U.S. 393 (1961)

Open the door, get on the floor, everyone kill the dinosaur? Adjudicate the M.I.A. Korean Bell Missing Persons act?

FBI Internet Crime Compliant Center ic3
Deference, humble submission and respect. What kind of word is 'deference'... is it like Scottish? Nope, etymology says French. Sounds Gaelic though, right? Makes ney deference groundskeeper Willie.

Hwa rang Jesuits can you get for Olympian gold?

For some time, Gell-Mann (The Eightfold Way) was undecided on an actual spelling for the term he intended to coin, until he found the word quark in James Joyce's book Finnegans Wake: – Three quarks for Muster Mark! And sure any he has it's all beside the mark.

Mind your language

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis was developed by Benjamin Whorf and Edward Sapir. According to this hypothesis, our language influences and shapes our cultural reality by limiting our thought processes. The term culture refers to the beliefs, norms, and values exhibited by a society.

Liberty, Responsibility, Freedom as Something For Your M.I.N.D.

Wow, or as the say in French, wow:

Washington Attorney General Sues Facebook and Google Over Campaign Finance Violations

double wow

White House blasts Merkley after his attempt to visit a shelter for migrant children

Thank you Senator Merkley for addressing civil, decent behavior, social values we citizens collectively value and addressing a lack of emotional intelligence from executives afflicted with xenophobia and psychological projection dysfunctions.

Yes, Fordham law professor Teachout!

Attorney general candidate’s top campaign promise? Sue Trump

Right on.

There's the bell.

Democrats, GOP locked in primary battles in 8 states Tuesday

what's the count? One count of...

Suing the Government for Negligence and Liability

two counts of getting volcanic...

Guatemala volcano explodes again, evacuations ordered

hot headed lava flows as papa chief blows his top

Mexico Hits U.S. With Tariffs, Escalating Global Trade Tensions

Are those fire bell alarms? (three counts of ding bats)

In an era of most dirty, naughty, secret ding a ling Epstein, Trump the Clinton's society politics:

(in whom or what exactly do you trust or place values?)

Scott Pruitt reportedly enlisted staffers to help his wife get a job at Chick-fil-A

What the horse feathers?
Rockefeller sale hits record $832 million, the largest for a single collector
Well was junior actually there in person to sell it because Joe is in holding, right?

I mean, you can't be in two places at once can you? Did he need to pawn some art to pay off the corrupt pardon grantor trumping the courts?
Court requires lawyers to chime in on Joe Arpaio’s pardon
paparazzo piece here and there for two places as once paparazzi proof
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Got Into a Late-Night Twitter Fight About Their Wives

Lonnie lobby interests
DBA Serenity Sells
Serenity Street News

Heart's Pine child, grow graceful.

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