Reality Check: Mass Shootings & Psychiatric Drugs

in benswann •  7 years ago 

Why is it that when mass shootings are debated in America, the discussion always goes toward tougher gun laws? Yet we are not talking about the role of psychiatric drugs.

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Curated for #informationwar (by @stevescoins)
Relevance: facts versus gun control Narrative
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Welcome to Steemit, Ben!

I have been saying that pharmaceuticals have been involved in every school shooting for years. The progressives don't care, they just look for another tragedy and seize the opportunity to go after the tool used to hurt our kids and not the problem. They are like doctors, lets treat the symptoms and not the problem.

its good to see people talking about this. Psychiatrists are prescribing drugs which they dont fully understand the mechanisms behind how they work, and they can have serious unintended side effects on behavior.

Glad you're on Dtube Ben.

Excellent research and presentation! If only the mainstream media outlets showed as much professionalism as you ?!?!?!

Thank you for saying this! Resteemed! I actually bring this point up to anyone who brings up mass shootings and gun control as I do not agree with the treatment of symptoms rather than the root cause of the problem. Just like the medical industry treats only symptoms to perpetuate the gravy train, this is yet another cause of trying to quickly patch a problem with a symptom solver. Guns don't kill people, people kill people, and unfortunately, it seems more often than not, people on psychiatric drugs kill people even more often! This conversation needs to be had by more and more people rather than allowing governments (aka mind control) to take more control of peoples' lives and to gain more and more power to become more and more corrupt.

Thanks for bringing up this subject, Ben, it's important that we distinguish between the weapons used to do harm and the cause of that use. I do object to some of the language you used to describe mentally distressed people, words like deranged are not very helpful in this conversation and tend to reinforce the stigma that this group of people already experiences.

The "medications" prescribed to an increasing number of people have been shown over and over to increase suicidality and homicidal thoughts, and create a mental state called disinhibition that can cause people to do things they would not normally do, such as act on those homicidal and suicidal thoughts. In addition, when people do attempt to come off these drugs, psychiatrists intentionally wean them off quickly or make their subjects go cold turkey. This leads to withdrawal symptoms that the patient is then told is a return of their symptoms. The mental health industry is there to put and then keep people on drugs rather than to help them get better.

The question of why so many people are now on these poisonous medications is also one we should be asking ourselves. Why are so many people depressed and unhappy in our society? Could it be the conditions we now live in, where the poor are kept down and have no voice, where everyone is in a constant state of fear of terrorism and where we are never not in a state of war? The world we have created is surely a major cause of the depression and suffering that leads to seeking psychiatric help, we should solve that problem and not just band-aid over the symptoms with profit making drugs that often do no better than a placebo.

Deranged: Insane, mad, disturbed, unhinged, unstable and irrational. Please tell me how these words do not apply to any mass shooter?

I understand sensitivities to special needs children, but this is not the time to apply them. If there was ever a time to be callous towards a human being it it times like this.

Very informative and mind changing. This just gave me a reality check 🤔

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bro always wait like this post.thank you

Another thing people aren't often aware of is that tapering or quitting psychotropic drugs and many other drugs can cause behavioral and emotional upheaval. A lot of kids are prescribed medication for ADHD throughout their childhood and once they are adults, the medications are often stopped. Stopping medications, even when tapering down before quitting, can cause depression, agitation and even aggression. This nation has become a nation of pill poppers because of the greed of BigPharma and the results are often tragic.

Honestly, governing entities/media rarely seems to care about the root causes of problems. They mention something that they believe(or want YOU to believe) would solve a problem and a completely different thing would be needed. One reason from the many why the problems are growing.

Also, look into the shooter's eye. I don't know if this is just a "bad picture" or his average gaze. Because if this is natural to him, then it's pretty damn obvious something is not okay.

From the pages of Milton William Cooper’s (((1991))) book: Behold A Pale Horse:

The Naval intelligence officer's book is about the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs & hypnosis on susceptible people in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on (GUN FREE) schoolyards & businesses & thus inflame the anti-gun lobby. The plan is to have the middle class begging the government to do away with the 2nd Amendment. It's been in the works for decades!

The 2nd amendment is not so you can go hunting with a machine gun it's to allow you to fight tyrannical governments and/or criminals... Disarmed and helpless is an irresponsible, suicidal choice that will get you killed. Defend yourself.

Ex State Trooper Turned Renowned School Safety Expert Threatened for Questioning Sandy Hook

I recommend.... "Depression & psychotropic drug use are on the rise, world-wide. Are we misdiagnosing depression, and therefore treating it ineffectively? Learn from holistic psychiatrist Dr. Kelly Brogan (@kellybroganmd) about a different approach to mental illness."

latest "mass shooting" in Florida showed exactly what some ex CIA/FBI agent say. GREAT MAJORITY OF THEM ARE FALSE FLAGS.
in the case of Cruz, we must really be blind and brainwashed to even think, that police/FBI is so incompetent, in face of so many signals, and an outright claim.
some ex-agents go as far as saying, that FBI is looking for such people, and they themselves ALLOW the shootings to come to fruition, often even provoke shootings by "disturbed" people, that otherwise, maybe sick and on drugs, but not murderous/suicidal.
Even with "GREAT LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRIA" - an internet with greatest works at hand in our own homes, we still are being suppressed to learn truth what really is going on.
Thank you @bennswann, Abby Martin, Red Ice Radio, Richie Allen, and so many more, for your fight, to bring us closer to understanding the war on us.

Excellent piece...we'll share it all over...Nice to see you made it back after all the craziness last year!

How about we start talking about the complete and utter lack of compassion or understanding on individual levels throughout the country, shall we? The constant ostrisism of those who weren't on fucking facebook enough to know that the rules of what you can have opinions on have changed. The fact that you can scream out something important and it's overwhelmed by fucking clickbait and psuedointellectual bullshit of this sort.

Everybody, kill my reputation if you feel like it. Agreement-with-the-hoard points are for the whores. Peace.

This is some great information! I've always viewed this as a more complex, multi-variable problem than the mainstream media would like to disclose. To me, the most predominant variables in the equation seem to be not only psychiatric drugs but also single-parent homes and inefficiencies upholding existing regulations.

It can't be ignorance that gun control is always pushed by lawmakers, those donation numbers might be an indicator. The bigger our government is, the more corruption they invite. This is the price of crony capitalism which can only thrive when the federal government has become too large.

Perhaps in place of anti-depressants we can clone Jordan Peterson and have him do therapy for everyone who is clinically depressed :)

Why is it that when mass shootings are debated in America, the discussion always goes toward tougher gun laws? Yet we are not talking about the role of psychiatric drugs.

That's easy, look who is number one on this list:
The pharmaceutical industry!
What is not even on that list?
The gun industry.

Highly rEsteemed!

You are banished from the BSM (Bolshevik State Media), why not go full truther and stop propagating these "people died" narratives. Join the ranks of super-truthers like Jim Fetzer and Ole Dammegard. No one died at Parkland.

There is a husband and wife journalist team that has been offering $100K in silver for "proof-of-death" since Sandy Hook--and including Mandalay Bay.

They list over 30 psy-op/drills where they are willing to payout if you can prove a "loved one" died. No takers.


The videos of them never last long on YT. The last one was already purged.

Here's one that seems to have survived. Ole Dammegard called Parkland.

I just watched your interview with @AdamKokesh and had to come and start following you. I upvoted, resteemed, commented and will share on the other platforms. That was a good interview with Adam Kokesh and glad you joined and D-Tube. I apologize I don't have a lot of power here on @Steemit but every little bit helps. Glad to hear Reality Check is coming back. INTEGRITY is something that is hard to find these days. Would love to see something on campaign finances. I know in Texas one of the state senators received a single donation of $50,000, okay I will go ahead and say it is the senator for District 3, Robert Nichols. There were other questionable donations and what they spend this campaign money on is pretty questionable too. The other thing is the justice system and the BAR which is a worldwide criminal organization if you ask me. Is having a 95% to 99% conviction rate really a good thing? There are lots of 1st Amendment Auditors filming the police are they helping or hurting? Something that I have seen a lot of reporters steer clear of is the "Flat Earth Theory" and that leads to many questions about NASA. It also leads to a lot of laughs and I laughed when I first looked into and the number of people that have started questioning the Globe earth has been growing. Does Space-X get ANY money from the Federal Government? Why did YouTube allow them to change their live feed when they "launched" the Tesla car with an "Astro-NOT"? Does NASA really get $50 million a day? Do we really need to have all the secrets we have as a country? Just something to think about! Welcome to and D-Tube the choice for #FREEDOM which is always Free at Download Adam Kokesh's 100-page e-book, FREEDOM, for Free and in most languages.