Women's Law Followed Swimming In Swimming

in berani •  6 years ago 

. Rasulullah sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said, . من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فلا يدخل حليلته الحمام . "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day he should not enter his wife to the hammaam (public bath)." [HR At-Tirmidi no. 2801] ✖✖✖✖✖ . WOMAN'S WARNING BELIEVE IN GENERAL SWEETS . Muslim women must cover their nakedness perfectly. Do not let a Muslim not be able to take care of his goodness. And the sad thing is that many Muslim women can not take care of their bodies, especially when they swim in the public pool. . We need to know the words of Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) in this matter: . عن أبي المليح الهذلي, أن نساء من أهل حمص, أو من أهل الشام دخلن على عائشة, فقالت: أنتن اللاتي يدخلن نساؤكن الحمامات? سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: ما من امرأة تضع ثيابها في غير بيت زوجها إلا هتكت الستر بينها وبين ربها . From Abu Al-Malih Al-Hudzali: The women of Homs or Syam come to Aisha. She said: "Are the women from among you who like to go to the public baths? I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: "No woman opens a hijab outside her house unless she has torn the curtain of shame between her and her Rabb" (Narrated by Tirmidhi No. 2803) . There are also some other Muslim swimmers in the public swimming pool using a headgear on the ground to cover her hair. It is important to note that this is not enough to cover the nakedness. Because the aurat is not only on the hair, but the entire body except the face and the palms. Especially if the clothes he uses are swimming suits that are indeed all tight and not loose. Read the perfect Muslim clothing criterion here https://www.alamiry.net/2016/03/criteria-hijab-muslimah-yang-syari.html?m=1. . As for the swimming pool to be specially created for Muslim women, this is not why with some terms and conditions as some of the scholars believe there are Shaykh Khalid Al-Mushlih, etc. hafidzahumullah. . Shaykh Khalid Al-Mushlih hafidzahullah was asked about the laws of women swimming in a special swimming pool for Muslims. So he replied: . إذا كانت فيه خصوصية كما أنه يستأجر في وقت معين أو كان لباسها لا يبدي المفاتن فلا حرج . "If the swimming pool is such a specialty as he is rented at a certain time especially for women, and the clothes of the women who swim do not bring up the defamation, then it does not matter" (See his fatwa here
) . Shaykh Muhammad bin Shalih Al-Munajjid was also asked: . ما حكم السباحة للمرأة? . "What's the law to swim for women?" . So he replied: . إذا كان المكان ليس فيه أي رجل أجنبي يطلع أبدا جاز لها ذلك كأن تسبح مثلا في بركة في بيتها أو لها مزرعة ما فيها عمال في جوارها أو أناس أجانب فنزلت فيها لا بأس. لكن هذه المسابح الموجودة في الفنادق لعن الله الذين ينشرون الفساد بين المسلمين وقاتل الله الذين يحبون أن تشيع الفاحشة للذين آمنوا فهذا لا شك من مصائب عظيمة . "If the pool does not have any foreign man (the non-mahram) who sees, then it is possible for the woman to swim. As he swims in a small pool in his house or such a farm with no male workers or other foreign men around him, then he goes down for swimming, so that's okay. . As for the swimming pools in the hotel (mixed up), may Allah cursed the people who spread the disparity among the Muslims. May Allah also fight those who are happy if the evil spread to believers. Undoubtedly this includes a great disaster. "(See her fatwa here https://ar.islamway.net/fatwa/273/ ما-حكم-ممارسة-السباحة-بالنسبة-للمرأة) . So we can conclude, women can swim in a women-only swimming pool, if some conditions are fulfilled: . 1- There is no other person swimming (specifically for muslimah only). . 2- Secure from the eyes of men, both men working in the pool like the security guard or their maids, or the other men. . 3- Woman swimming, is obliged to use good and polite clothing to cover her aurat. . 4- Get permission from the husband. Because the wife should not leave the house without permission from her husband. . Hopefully this little benefit, may Allah be pleased with Muhammad. . Author: Ustadz Abdurrahman Al-Amiry . Article: alamiry.net (Al-Amiry Study)
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