Bermuda Triangle #Sci-Re {Science Reality} Truth or Myth

in bermudatriangle •  7 years ago 

Bermuda Triangle - truth or a myth? It is also known as the Isle of the devil. Its vertices are Miami, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. There are several stories around describing the mystery of Bermuda Triangle but by now there is no authentic scientifically proven theory about the incidents happened at Bermuda Triangle. Bermuda Triangle stories started from 1945 when some US Navy planes were disappeared while flying over the region, however, there are question marks on the reports of accidents that whether they actually happened or not. Some writers believe that there are some paranormal or alien activity in the region that causes the disappearance of the planes and ships. Some reports said while flying over the Bermuda Triangle, pilot sent a note to ATC saying that they been sent to Mars, before disappearing. But there are no authenticity of these reports.

Recently the team was sent to the Bermuda Triangle to test any abnormal energy levels over the region and the results were as expected. There was huge energy variations measured over the region by the electronic devices.

Some of the best explained theories till date are:

  1. Methane Gas theory: This theory concentrates on huge Methane Gas resources under the seabed causing explosion by combination of Methane gas with Oxygen leading to the disappearance of the ships.

  2. The Sargasso Sea: The Sargasso Sea is a sea with no boundary and surrounded by the four currents and with no physical boundary. There are so many seaweeds in the middle of the sea so far from the shore in this area. The dense weather and weeds can make the deadly combination for the incidents.

  3. Hexagonal clouds forming air bombs: Researchers noted some peculiar Hexagonal formation of clouds over Bermuda triangle area. They also noted that these clouds act as the bombs in air and can explode anytime at that height, vanishing all the aircraft's going through that area.

  4. Electronic fog: Electronic fog are the clouds that start moving along with the plane going through that area and damaging all the electronic equipment’s and compasses leading to the incident.

  5. Underwater reefs: It is also found that there are numerous reefs under the water that causes the sinking of the ship. Because of lack of technology at that time the sailors were unable to see the reefs and collided with them leading to the immediate disappearance of the ship.

  6. Compass variation: There is one point on Bermuda Triangle where compasses were unable to differentiate between Magnetic North and absolute North. This blunder of technology caused ships met horrible accidents or losing their ways.

  7. Alien Intervention: Some theories are even linked with the UFO sightseeing over the region and related to the alien presence.

But researchers found that there is nothing unusual in the area and the area is used by various aircrafts, private flights, and commercial ships on daily basis. Furthermore, some scientist found that the ratio of disappearance of objects in the area is quite normal as compared to the other part of the oceans. I want to know your views and your theories. Please help us increase our knowledge by sharing your views or experiences!

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