Unraveled: When the Fabric of "Reality" Comes Apart: Part Five — by Hugh Mungus

in bernays •  6 years ago 


"What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?

What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?

I learned our government must be strong

It’s always right and never wrong

Our leaders are the finest men

And we elect them again and again

And that’s what I learned in school today

That’s what I learned in school"

― Pete Seeger *

  • Pete Seeger:

Since the majority of what we’ve been taught in school is lies ― and the rest is just useless to humans ― shouldn’t we be filing textbooks under fiction? To save trees, it may benefit us to cease printing these propaganda manifestos altogether. Why continue torturing kids who’d be much happier enjoying their lives, learning what’s relevant?

What high school history professor is willing to inform students Arnold Schwarzenegger’s dad was a Nazi Party member? ** How about the fact George W. Bush ― in his youth ― stuffed firecrackers inside live frogs, and detonated said explosives? ***

** Gustav Schwarzenegger:


*** George W. Bush: frog killer:


The answer is, “None.” Why? In this paradigm, you follow established lines, or don't eat. Yet, both the above are provable truths.

You’re living a series of lies. We all are. Reality is not what it seems.

Even though these assertions sound like the beginning of a Twilight Zone episode, consider the following phrases:

Make a living.

Cost of living.

Both are used every day. Even so, few ponder the ruthless implications of these idioms.

Make a living. Haven’t you already done so by being born? What is there left to create after this essential step? Should one be forced into producing more than his own existence, and if so, how?

Cost of living. It doesn’t get any more twisted than this. The above connotes there’s a price to our lives. If that tax isn’t paid, we die.

Who hasn’t heard the false statement “Money makes the world go ‘round”? Most of us have probably said it. Think how insane that adage is. Whomever coined it, and those who use it, believe sans a monetary system, Earth would cease to spin on its axis. What the fuck―?!

Making such an assertion is the epitome of arrogance. To believe that somehow banknotes cause the massive celestial body on which we reside to revolve, is ludicrous. So, if we’re of this inclination ― since we all keep uttering this phrase ― doesn’t that make us insane?

What is money, literally? Most people would respond it’s pieces of paper. In actuality, it’s strips of cotton and linen, innately useless to humans, since you can neither eat nor inhale it in order to survive.

Don’t believe money is valueless? Travel back in time 500 years with a bushel of apples and a $1,000 bill. See which takes you further in that particular era. Enough said.

Let’s assume you’re employed from the ages of 18 to 65. Say you work 40 hours a week. At that rate, following one year, you’ll have spent 2,080 hours at your occupation. During your complete existence, you’ll have labored at your job ― which most people detest ― for 97,760 hours. That’s more than 11 years of life devoted to acquiring worthless swatches of material. This doesn’t take into consideration countless time spent preparing for work, and altering your existence to accommodate your job.

Feverishly collecting scraps of useless cotton and linen sounds like the hobby of the mentally deranged. Wasting nearly a dozen years of your life doing so ― in addition to the 12 stolen from you via the school system ― is the obsession of a psychotic. Still, this is the activity we almost all engage in constantly.

Media, movies and television are deluged with examples of humans killing other humans for money. You applaud the hero ― risking his existence ― when he robs a casino to become a millionaire, even though he just put his life in jeopardy for a bunch of pointless cloth.

What is this guy infatuated with sewing?

Talk about a moron failing to view the bigger picture before taking action.

Consider Walter White’s character from the TV show Breaking Bad. Everything he did ― dying, estranging himself from his immediate family, killing people, etc. ― was perpetrated to amass inherently worthless pieces of fabric. Rendered to its basics, that’s the premise of the show. The protagonist may have been adept at chemistry, but what a fuckin’ idiot!

Akin to politics and religion, money is an implement of internment humans need to break free from before it destroys us all.

MAD ― mutual assured destruction. Adhering to such lunacy, why isn’t the whole of humanity on suicide watch? This is the best foundation the powers that be could create to enslave us? The strategy that if I possess more nuclear weapons than you ― and can destroy our species 5,000 times over, while you can only do so 3,000 times ― no one’s gonna use these ordnances for fear of annihilation?!

Are we drinking Drano for breakfast?

If we’re eradicated once, who’s gonna launch the remainder of nukes that can wipe us out the other 7,999 times?!



Oh, wait. Same guy.

Haven’t you asked the next logical question, anyway? Why create the weapons in the first place? It’s not like nuclear bombs ― and the process for producing them ― is making the environment more human-friendly.

Take professional hockey. A large portion of players in the NHL ― Alex Ovechkin, Evgeni Malkin, etc. ― were born in Russia. These two forwards are revered in the U.S., to the point they’re idols. In the same breath, the United States has thousands of nuclear tipped warheads presently pointed at their families. Even the most twisted of minds can’t prevaricate enough to make that one sound rational, since it defies logic.

“I like ya’, kid. Here’s 10 million bucks. By the way, I’m pointing a gun at your mom’s head.”

Should humanity make it through this lapse of reason, it’s quite plausible future generations will gaze back in shock we fell for such a load of horse shit!

Spending one’s life gathering strips of worthless cloth; believing in an old guy who floats in the sky and can hear our every thought, while placing trust in individuals who’ve deliberately drowned us via radioactive fallout, isn’t the mindset of logical individuals. It’s time we woke from our slumber, before it’s too late.

This blog does its best to demonstrate the safety net we've been brainwashed to believe is there, doesn't exist.


"Fuck you, Edward Bernays."

― Hugh Mungus

Bet you’ve no idea why you eat bacon and eggs for breakfast. Believe it or not, he’s the same reason you bought that $2,000 handbag. Yeah, the one that cost 43¢ to make. His name was Edward Bernays, and you can thank him not solely for influencing your first meal of the day, but also intimidating you into such a ridiculous purchase.

Who was this manipulative asshole? Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, is typically termed the Father of Public Relations. In the early 1900s, Bernays was so adept at being devious, he sold an entire war ― World War I ― to a nation. The U.S. populace believed the erroneous claims ― originating from Bernays, and those of his ilk ― this conflict would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” We now realize such was a lie, and approximately 120,000 Americans ― suckered by Edward’s scheme ― died as a result.

In 1928, Bernays published Propaganda ― a book outlining his method for swindling anyone into buying anything, whether it be war or used toilet paper. According to Eduardo, the population was too stupid to know what was best for them, and couldn’t make prudent decisions. Akin to an ignorant child, it was imperative the public allow the powerful elite ― people who controlled with cash ― to decide what was best for all.

From the pages of Propaganda:

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. […]

It might be better to have, instead of propaganda and special pleading, committees of wise men who would choose our rulers, dictate our conduct, private and public, and decide upon the best types of clothes for us to wear and the best kinds of food for us to eat. […]

As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion may be regimented."

Since we’re told the United States is a democracy ― and such denotes government by the people ― Edward is full of shit.

Unlike prior coercive efforts, Bernays didn’t believe in bludgeoning consumers with hard-nosed tactics ― “You must buy this product, or else―!” Rather, Edward used the more wily method of making folks feel inadequate if they didn’t have what he was selling. Thus, manipulating individuals into thinking their lives were incomplete unless they spent rent money on a down payment for a $50,000 watch. A watch, no less, thieves in a number of Third World nations, would amputate one’s hand in order to obtain.

Using Bernays’ tactics, marketing and public relations companies have persuaded the population into financial slavery, and governments have sold us all on wars that murder our species in droves. Thanks to Eddie, countless men and women have been slaughtered, duped into believing they’re donning fatigues and killing innocent civilians for a moral cause.

See that genetically modified meal in front of you? Of course you do, as a majority of food sold in United States grocery stores contain GMOs ― thought to cause life-threatening afflictions. You can thank Edward for that, as well, since marketing methods employed by corporations like Monsanto ― which produce genetically-modified organisms ― are inspired by the work of Mr. Bernays.

You can also express gratitude to Edward for the fluoride in toothpaste, since he organized an advertising campaign to sell the U.S. public on this substance.

It’s a matter of record fluoride ― a derivative of the poisonous gas fluorine ― is dangerous to humans in anything but trace amounts. Why, then, are we ingesting copious quantities of it through our daily dental routines, as well as the water we drink? That’s correct. America is one of the few remaining countries still fluoridating its public drinking water — a procedure many believe was undertaken by Nazi Germany, in order to pacify its populace to make them more docile and pliable.

Hence, I say, “Fuck you, Edward Bernays.”

Oh, yeah. The bacon and eggs thing? During the 1950s, Bernays was hired by the Beech-Nut Packing Company to increase bacon sales. Ed created a campaign, informing the public, doctors overwhelmingly agreed a substantial breakfast of bacon and eggs was beneficial.

And all this time you believed you were thinking for yourself.



Bernays, Edward; Miller, Mark Crispin. (1928, 2005). Propaganda. Ig Publishing. ISBN: 9780970312594


Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives. Dir. Jeffrey M. Smith. DVD, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-98526-510-6

The World According to Monsanto. Dir. Marie-Monique Robin. Perfs. David Carpenter, Dr. Samuel Epstein. DVD, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-9729665-9-7

Online Movies:


Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives:

Stuff They Don't Want You to Know: Edward Bernays:

The World According to Monsanto:

To Sell a War:

The preceding blog was written by Hugh Mungus. Feel free to contact the author directly here on Steemit, or via his personal E-mail address: [email protected]

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