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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Let's turn this up to 11.

I like this idea so much, I want to pile votes on your posts. I have some rules: (1) first five #circlejerkpileon posts will get an upvote from my bot army--yes the whole army, (2) your post must receive a #bernieblackfriday upvote, (3) you must include the tag #circlejerkpileon in the title, (4) your post must be of the heartfelt and patently shameless "steemit changed my life" type with palpable emotion, (5) must be good quality and preferrably hilarious in a subtly ironic sort of way, (6) must be linked as a reply to this comment, (7) MUST be top level (i.e. not a comment but a real post).


Rule 6) - Linked as a reply.

Do you mean as a reply to this challenge or LITERALLY a link to this comment somewhere in the post?

Just want to make sure I understand things correctly.

You mean share the link on the post back to this comment?

@Steemed I made the first submission!

Thank you @DJ123 for encouraging me!

Much ❤️ to you my fellow steemian!

2nd submission! #BernieBlackFriday #SteemItIsTheBest #CircleJerkPileOn

Made it by the hair on my chinny chin chin! Like Winnie the Pooh and his 🍯? 🤷‍♂️ 😂

I thought since I put my banner down last time I'd put my wife @SomeAlaskaGirl's banner this time because she's prettier than me and may pull ❤️ strings? 🤔 💭 🤷‍♂️ 🤪

Anyways, look at my post for 2nd submission to @BernieSanders it was time stamped no later than 11:58PM Alaska Time which is STILL technically Bernie Black Friday!!! 😂


My first submission 👇👇👇 was also #upvoted so that's pretty awesome! 👏 😎

But I believe you guys will appreciate the message and the commercial for SteemIt in my 2nd submission which is the first link in this message. 😂

@BernieSanders @Steemed my baby @SomeAlaskaGuy wants to be a 🐳 🐋 in one ☝️ day!

😂 nothing wrong with that! 👌🏻 😘 ❤️

Thank the heavens it was #BernieBlackFriday because we ALL KNOW #SteemItIsTheBest
#CircleJerkPileOn #hustle!

Thank you @DJ123 for encouraging my husband it means a lot! ❤️

You're most welcome @somealaskagirl, that's what friends are for :D

Here hear! 👂 @DJ123! 😊


#BernieBlackFriday I made my 2nd submission on #time!

11:57PM #Alaska Time! 😂 ❤️ 🎣 🐳 🐋 💝 😂


Am I right @BernieSanders & @Steemed?

Can I get a witness @DJ123? 😂

Hey...check out your new rep....nice haha!

And it's all thanks to you buddy @DJ123 you called it just in the nick of time for me bro! 🙏 that was clutch! 😂

@BernieSanders Keep your eyes on watch for the Alaskan #Crypto team! Always staying on the #Hustle :). Happy #BernieBlackFriday to you all, defnintely agree that #Steemit is the best community out here. Glad to see us on the #CircleJerk

#crazy right?

#Team #Alaska #Crypto

#Whales 🐳🐋 😂😂

😂 ❤️

@BernieSanders @Steemed @FD907 and @DJ123

I made my 2nd post on time while it was STILL #BernieBlackFriday!

Just to be clear, I put in 2nd submission at appx 11:57PM #Alaska Time!

Congrats @somealaskaguy! :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I did follow the rules - or didn't I? - who cares - love you all my final words before getting flagged lol

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Okay I guess I am not in the 5 posts area lolz but still, you can check it out! No upvote needed:)

Dam, this would have been so much to participate bad its over.

I wish I had a bigger upvote for this shit.

Use the booster you are driving lol

I don't use voting power from it.

no worries - was kidding :-)

I'm beginner in . Please help & inspire me. please.....please...please.... upvote me

Lol jajajaja you just read my mind.

I'm beginner in . Please help & inspire me. please.....please...please.... upvote me

Your reputation is gonna go way up after those moves!

or the other way round - maybe I can do gogo dancing @ #steemfest3

Wow... I think I am in love. Next steemit girl right here people ;). Are you in the nsfw tags at all per chance? Could be your next work of art? Just saying. Keep the boogie alive. hehe

not there, shall I :-)?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That eyeblink at 0:27 is the killer

you wanna see it live lol?

Only after some beers so that I will laugh my ass off, but we need Mr. T with us, as when he drinks he gets into party mood :)

LOL - you just killed it

You should have used "Black Friday" by Steely Dan...

Just googled that one - did not know before - will do one for next year, thanks for inspiring :-)

lol @uwelang that was glorious, just made my day!

Some smooth boogie moves right there.... just add the disco ball

have none at hand right now, next video

Ha ha great Santa Sanders we need a meme for that

Create one - this is the place for content creators

have none at hand right now, next video

Look at you getting into the groove. 😂
So full of life, gotta love it. I think I'm going to love this community!

@uwelang i will slide briefly at #bernieblackfriday

I'm beginner in . Please help & inspire me. please.....please...please.... upvote me

This is exactly how you should NOT start here - this is Spam, please do never ask for this "up vote me" thing - inspired me at least to write about spam again

Trying not to fall off chair :)))))))))

Where is your skiing woolen hat?


Steemit is alive, some get less or more but price will rise and it's gonna be beautiful like a sunrise!

You should do this to santa baby now, except it would be santa sanders!

Got to laugh at that one. I was reading it and crack me up.
No wonder why you have -19.
At least you are who you are and that's good.
I did not know what circle-jerk was, now I know.
Do you know anyone with more negative reputation than you?
It will be a record breaking.
Keep on steemit.

I thought I recognised you @berniesanders


Awesome... posted and resteemed ... woops I posted a few by mistake should I go remove tags ? Some were a little dark ..

So awesome you are the best - The real Bernie Sanders ...

Is that the Real Bernie Samders ??

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That is Larry David doing a comedy sketch during the US elections playing Bernie.

How do we know for sure ?

I am thankful for Steemit because it is by far the best place on the interwebs to read about how great Steemit is.

What an awesome comment! I agree so hard! The very best fluff about Steemit can be found here on Steemit! Hooray!


Upvote me plz. I follow u, u follow me we all follow the yellow brick road. We're off to see the wizard and his name is Bernie Sanders.

Thank you so much for your kind reply! It is exactly this kind of warm and sincere human interaction that defines Steemit above all else.

Try being first much???



Me too

Not anymore.

Don't forget the biscuits!

Thanks for running this @berniesanders! I am all for all things that help the community, and rewards for showing holiday cheer? Squarely in that category. You get too much crap for all the good that you try to do here! Keep being Bernie, I know you are trying to do good things, even if your competition doesn't see it that way!
Here is my submission for #bernieblackfriday

thank you @berniesanders for your idea, we will try to make post like rule you set, this is very useful.

Should we put a piece of toast in the middle and then the last one to finish has to eat it for his/her upvote there @berniesanders?

Happy Black Friday!!!

Good idea ;)

We love you berniesanders!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


I am thankful for the One and Only @berniesanders

No pun intended

That must be the real Bernie Samders
I love STEEM and I love Taco's too. Sorry I was watching porn and then eating lunch and they didn't really correspond well with my writing today.

These are so funny. Happy Thanksgiving and A Blessed #BernieBlackFriday

Thank you Bernie. Take my 100% and resteem Sir. Here is my addition.

Dear most benevolent would be Mr. President @BernieSanders if it weren't for that darn Hillary! 😂

Please allow me in for this late submission on #BernieBlackFriday as I made it by the hairs on my chinny chin chin! 🤪

#SteemItIsTheBest of course because of #whale #gods 🐳 🐋 like you!

And I promise you that THIS 2nd submission is the #PERFECT SteemIt commercial!

I mean literally!

@Steemed I made it! #CircleJerkPileOn ⭕️ ⭕️ 😂

Maybe my prettier half @SomeAlaskaGirl can pull another string in your ❤️ to let me slide?

It is appx 11:57PM STILL Friday Alaska Time!

@BernieSanders my baby @SomeAlaskGuy wanna be a 🐳 🐋 in one ☝️ day!

😂 nothing wrong with that! 👌🏻 😘 ❤️

Thank the heavens it was #BernieBlackFriday because we ALL KNOW #SteemItIsTheBest
#CircleJerk #hustle!

@SomeAlaskaGirl! 🐳 ❤️ 🐋 💕 🎣 💝 👀 😍 🤪 🤑 🤩 😂

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It looks like #BernieBlackFriday was a success! Glad to see us all out there representing #Steemit. Keep the #CircleJerk going mates :) #Cryptohustle never goes flat!

Thanks for the love too @BernieSanders

#Amen 🙏 @FD907!

Here here @SomeAlaskaGirl!

@FD907 and you know this - man! #Alaska #crypto #hustling!


A little facetious but responding to a challenge.

I'd like to do one on a little more serious note as well.

I do ❤️ SteemIt but this was more on the humorous side. 😉

Thank you @BernieSanders for doing this and thank you @DJ123 for bringing it to my attention!

Thank you @Steemed for your addition to the #BernieBlackFriday challenge!


I think i understand the rule,let get the job done right away,thanks to berniesanders

i am going to participate hope you like (:}>

hope this may help the steemit community and to aslo help me aswell to you bernie happy black friday and happy thanksgiving by the way how did you get (-19) rank and why did my previous comment got -15 upvotes here?

here pls i hope you like it

here are the post that i based it on

stay awsome and pls climb the ranks (;}>

Stay classy San Diego!!
anchorman jump.gif

such blog contains much information


Congratulations @berniesanders!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following categories:

  • Comments - Ranked 4 with 119 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 4 with $ 170,93

Hey bernie cool idea. Just made my post. Im new to steemit and im trying to network with people so everyone follow me and ill follow you back. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Thanks Bernie

Awesome @berniesanders! Thanks for spreading the holiday love! Big Upvotes for free is going to make a lot of peoples holidays just a little brighter!

Happy Steemit@bernieblackfriday

@berniesanders it wasn't easy. Took me nearly 5 hours. But I finally got it written. And I have to say, You are soooo amazing for doing this! I just can't believe how wonderful you are! IT makes me droool to even begin to fathom it!
Well, without further tickling and stroking, here it is:


I am thankful for steemit because I am able to meet all of you guys here for stimulating conversation. Free funds are always good but how did you manage such a low score? I would have to think you upset some people. #bernieblackfriday

from flagging people, check out bernie's account @yougotflagged

Ah good reason

My question is how did You got all that "popularity"? -19 the community must love you... and still you are getting on the trending section. So I guess what they say it is right. No matter what they talk, good or bad, keep them talking lol

Bernie is the best . Allegedly ^_^

I'm confused whether you are joking or it is for real.

This is not a joke. He upvoted my post for over a dollar. try it for yourself.

I cant do cheesy comments
and i don't feel like I'm thankful to steem

Here is how steemit works on me, I am very thankfulness for that.
is very important in my family, I can come back to my country.

just had to google circle-jerk..... lol

upvoted and resteemed

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My reputation was 44, after the blog it went past 45 :)

Here is my entry:

I dont know what is "circle-jerk" type, as long as I follow you, you follow me and everybody follows you! That's it. I am a joker here? Happy Thanksgiving day..........mwah mwah...

you are a good man with a good soul #bernieblackfriday

good initiative

thank you

@berniesanders thanksbfor this opportunity

Thank you bernie!

This was really fun to do, and I appreciate all you have been doing for the community lately, fighting spam, and now setting up something fun for everyone to participate on. As the year is coming to an end, everything just keeps getting better :D

Stay classy!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks @berniesanders, you are true to your words. You made this black Friday a great one.

nice my friend

there is no black friday, friday is white because its a pious day

Yeepyy yay 🙌 🙌, free upvote for everyone, just follow the rule and you'll get huge vote. You just insert #bernieblackfryday in your post and you gonna be upvote.

I am wondering how long this competition would last @berniesanders? I am interested.

hey buddy you always do something diffrent than others.
This is just an another example.

Looks like the party has gotten started!! Benevolent Bernie is showering down gifts!......For EVERYONE!!!!! (that does a post... I need to get busy!)

Hope everyone is having fun! XD


Post must be considered "circle-jerk" type content

Lol, love how this is one of the rules. To bad I missed the #Bernieblackfriday circle jerk rewards!

Flaging Friday or for real? :)

The Good Whale saves Thanksgiving.

@kupi from aceh upvote your post cause good post

Oh this looks like an excellent opportunity to actually live up to my screenname..

excellent black friday

Your Thinking is Positive and Best

What is circle-jerk? i am lost :O

This post has received a 29.99 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @ngc. Send at least 1 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.

To support our daily curation initiative, please vote on my owner, @themarkymark, as a Steem Witness


Who runs the best circle jerk? Do I have to remove my incredibly pointy sharp fake nails to join?

Cong. #bernieblackfriday Tag Onthe List Of Offical Topic @berniesanders

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