Mydailypost Challenge - Viernes/Friday: Selectivecolor - El camaleón por @oscarps PhotoEdits

in bescouted •  7 years ago  (edited)

El camaleón

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by @sol25 y @leyargoz


AjustesISO-560 f/5.6 1/15s
CámaraNikon D7100
LenteNikon AF-S 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G

Image © oscarps. All Rights Reserved.
Original content by @oscarps
Mydailypost Themes
Lunes/Monday: Sky
Martes/Tuesday: Monocolor
Miercoles/Wednesday: Macroshot
Jueves/Thursday: Naturelive
Viernes/Friday: Selectivecolor
Sabado/Saturday : Sepiatone
Domingo/Sunday: Mydailypost (Free topic)
By @leyargoz and @sol25
Special thanks to @saffisara for contributing to this challenge

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que bonito ,muy buena captura,buenos dias

Buenos días Charo, saludos @txatxy

Me encanta esta imagen.. Como siempre espectacular. Sigue asi

Gracias Ned, necesitaba un empujoncito de animos, saudos. @nedred

Que mágico se ve! ❤ Me encanta! El color la textura el concepto.. 👍 feliz día, un abrazo!

Gracias amiga, un saludo @jennylu

En esta semana he visto muchos camaleones; ninguno personalmente (o animalmente). En fin me gusta mucho ese animalito y jamás lo visto fuera de alguna pantalla. Me encantó tu foto!

Curioso animalillo, te mira con un ojo y con el otro a el saltamontes, jajaaj, saludos @kaizag

oh ohhh dident i get a suprice :p i thought it was a snake LOL wooow what texture you got, love it ღ❤ :D ღ❤

This animal is precious, greetings @swedishdragon

i agree, but >>>all animals are..... watch them, care for them, apriciate them~~ღ❤

Preciosa fotografía @oscarp.

Muchas gracias amiga, saludos @honey74

I absolutely adore these creatures. I love how slowly and carefully they move. I think that if I had one around me I would take on the same pace. I'd also love to be able to change my colours. Blending to match an environment would be so cool. Great photo!

And you have forgotten to have an eye for one side and another for another, to take pictures, great, lol, greetings and thanks @trulafountaine

Oh yes, the rotating eyes in different directions. I want to have that too. I wonder how they see the world. Great reminder.

Lol, you must have a cocoa in your brain, lol @trulafountaine