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I love those tiny feathers on the heels! Very playful detail!
This pair of cold-colored shoes makes a wonderful contrast with the warmer surrounding and catches your eye immediately

And I have noticed before, that you have a pretty keen eye and hardly miss a detail. Excellent observation with the colors too... must have done it subconsciously, I haven't really seen it like that before. Thanks for pointing that out!

Thank you!
I love to try and "expose" hidden meanings and messages through pictures :D
(As a child I had a thing for rebus, maybe that explains it)

Oh I loved those too! Had no idea they still existed in this century... I better be more cautious with my future posts 😎

Those tiny feathers are such a well placed detail, that despite being so small gets everybody's attention instantly. But i can't find the second orange shoe :)

Perhaps it got lost somewhere... ;)

Hopefully someone finds it :)

Yeah... that second shoe... somehow it didn't fit in. Probably a big step outside the painting ;-)

I was more concerned about a missing feet than a missing shoe actually lol But yes, you might be right, it's probably just a big step with those long legs :)

as always I am amazed by your work ,I love the romanticized mechanical elements. I would like to find more about the quantum physics concept behind this masterpiece

Cordial thanks for your kind compliments. The title is a play on words, which unfortunately only works in German... The painting was done for an exhibition with the theme of Dante's Divine Comedy... rather surreal relationship, I know 😜

I have another title "clockwork orange";-) Solche Schuhe - leider ohne Federn und mit sechs Zentimeter Absatz weniger hab ich noch im Schrank stehen. Auf sowas kann ich nicht mehr laufen. Sind ja aber auch gar nicht dafür gedacht.
Grüße von der Hustenfront.

Haha.. yes, would work as well. Actually I originally named it "Malebolge", one of the circles of hell in Dante's Divine Comedy... then I found this little play on words better.. makes reasonable sense only in German, as you might have noticed ;-)

6 Zentimeter weniger?? Ts ts... Da bleibt ja fast nichts und da heißt es jetzt aber wirklich mal ein wenig üben!! Hehe.. viel muß man mit den Schühchen ja auch wirklich nicht gehen 😇

Tja.. der kalte Krieg hat uns wohl dann beide erwischt 🤧Gute Besserung!!

sehr kreativ!

Hoffe, du bist wieder genesen. Mir geht's wieder ganz gut. Wann ist denn die London Ausstellung und bist du auch dort?

Danke, geht wieder ganz gut! Werde heute den ganzen Tag malen 🎨
Die Termine für die Ausstellung findest Du hier Werd leider nicht da sein können... nur mein Bild :-)

Zur Frage mit dem üben, siehe oben (giggle) 👠

Fascinating. Kind of makes me think of that part at the end of Superman 3 where he gets eaten by the computer. Or the Borg assimilating another species.

Except that the machinery here is a lot more...welcoming, somehow. We almost want to dive in.

Hehe... never thought of it, but I'd definitely want to dive in and see, what's hidden down there! 🤓

Nice... Cool!! Steem On!

Thank you :-)