1 plus 70 Pro was released in October2019 the phone comes with a six pointsix seven inch fluid AMOLED touchscreendisplay with an aspect ratio of nineteenpoint five by nine it is powered byqualcomm snapdragon 805 +7 nanometerchipset it comes with 12 GB of RAM asfar as the cameras are concerned theoneplus 70 pro on the rare pax triplecamera setupassisting of the 48 megapixel mainshooter and the 8 megapixel telephotolens and another 16 megapixel ultra widelens there is a 16 megapixel motorizedpopov camera on the front for selfiesthis device runs under 10.0 and packs256 GB of inbuilt storage it is poweredby four thousand and 85 milliamp hourbattery with 30 watt fast batterycharging support the samsung galaxy s 10plus is the best smartphone availableright now it's a big phone that'sdesigned for big hands and it takes thevery best efforts on the smart phonemarket and puts it together in acompelling package that we have lovedtesting the Super AMOLED 6 point 4 inchdisplay has been measured as the verybest around with super colors greatdynamic range and essentially the verybest viewing experience you can have ona mobile phone the default resolution isFull HD plus but you can crank it toqhd+ and it's very sharp with is gr 10plus for superior contrast and colorthat's a very important feature ifyou're a movie watcher on your phoneplus there's the fingerprint scannerembedded in the display the battery lifeon the galaxy s 10 plus is animprovement over the insuline Plusthanks to the larger 4100 milliamperebattery inside it will easily reachbedtime with double digits still left inthe tank the iStent Plus also offersSamsung new wireless power shareallowing you to wirelessly charge otherdevices on the rear of the handset theback has a triple lens camera that takesnormal telephoto and new ultra whitephotos you can capture more of what's infront of you without having to take fewsteps back the Galaxy S 10 plus ispacked full of the best Samsung has tooffer and it comes together to give youthe best smartphone experience aroundright nowiPhone 11 Promax a smartphone waslaunched in September 2019 the phonecomes with a 6.5 inch super retina Xdear Lola Tata screen display with 803.7% screen to body ratio it is part byApple a 13 vionic 7 nanometre processorit comes with 4 GB of RAM as far as thecameras are concerned - elephant Promaxon the rear packs triple camera setuphas listing of a 12 megapixel mainshooter and a 12 megapixel telephotolens and the 12 megapixel outer widelens there are two cameras on the frontfor selfies one is a 12 megapixel cameraand another time-of-flight 3d camerathis device is based on iOS 13 and packs512 GB of inbuilt storage it is caughtby 3969 milli ampere a battery with 18watt fast charging support it was lostin space grey silver gold and midnightgreen colors Huawei made 30 profile Gsmartphone will be launched in October2019 the phone comes with a 6.5 3-inchall it touches game display with anaspect ratio of 18 point five by a nineit is brought by a octa-core highsilicon killing 9907 nanometer processorit comes with 8gb of RAM as far as thecameras are concerned the Huawei made 30pro 5 g on the rear rack squad camerasetup consisting of at 40 megapixel mainshooter and the 8 megapixel telephotolens and a 40 megapixel ultra-wide lensalong with a 3d time-of-flight camerathere are two cameras on the front forselfies one is 32 megapixel and anotheris 3d time-of-flight sensor this deviceis based on emui 10 on top of Android 10and pax 256 GB of inbuilt storage it ispowered by a four thousand and 500milliamp hour battery with 40 watt fastbattery charging and 27 watt wirelesscharging support it was launched inblack space silver cosmic purple emeraldgreen orange and forest between colorsSamsung Galaxy Note 10.1 was launched in7th august 2019 the phone comes with adynamic amulet 6.8 inch touchscreendisplay with an aspect ratio of 19 by 9it is powered by a 1.9 gigahertz octaveor samsung exynos 9 8 to 5 processorthat features 4 cores clocked at 1.9gigahertz 2 cores clocked at 2.4gigahertz and 2 cores clocked at 2.7gigahertz it comes with 12 GB of RAM asfar as the cameras are concerned theSamsung Galaxy Note in class 5g on therare pax quad camera setup consisting ofa 12 megapixel primary camera with an1.5 to 2 point for aperture as second 16megapixel ultra wide lens with an 2.2aperture a 12 megapixel telephoto lenswith an 2.1 aperture and a fourth timeof flight 3d VGA camera the rear camerasetup has face detection autofocus thereis a 10 megapixel camera on the frontfor selfies with an 2.2 aperture thefront camera also features autofocus theSamsung Galaxy Note 10.1 UI based onAndroid man Pi and pads 512 GB ofinbuilt storage that can be expanded fora microSD card up to one terabyte it's adual sim smartphone that accepts nanoSIM and nano SIM cardsthis device is powered by a fourthousand and three hundred milli amperebattery with 45 watt fast chargingsupport it also supports 15 watt fastwireless charging this is smart phonealso supports face unlock it waslaunched in or a black or a blue andaura white colors
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