Ayurvedic treatment for epilepsy for increased immunity

in best •  4 months ago 

The balanced functions of three cryptic energies: Prana (energy or force oversee human beings), Tejas (inner light), and Ojas (strength) is called the immune system. Strong immunity is an outcome of proper digestion. In this article, we will explore how people with epilepsy disease can increase immunity with the use of Ayurveda. Agni, the universally accepted principle of renewal that manifests as the digestive fire, transform’s food into energy-giving elements for body tissues and waste. The Agni of the body needs to be kindled through Ayurveda to digest Ama (toxins), which have manifested due to internal or external factors like stress. Good immunity decreases the risk of diseases for individuals and helps in living a healthy life. Whereas Ama, known as the digestive impurities generated by eating difficult to subsume foods or by following unhealthy eating habits, depletes the immunity and health of people.
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