To boost your SEO rankings, you need quality backlinks. Backlinks are the bread and butter of any internet marketing campaign. The more backlinks you have, the better your chances are to appear in search results. However, if you fail to take care of the backlink-building process properly, it will be difficult for you to acquire these links. This is why it’s important to follow a few basic steps before getting backlinks from various sources.
Just like basic SEO skills, backlink building is complex these days. In order for your backlinks to work well and boost your sites ranking, you need to diversify. Just like we are told to diversify our 401K retirement plans, you must use link diversity as well.
All of your backlink building efforts need to be natural. They need to be from these 9 different methods to get the best results.
Tips for Getting High Quality Backlink - THE ULTIMATE GUIDE
Domain Authority Links – These are top tier high quality links like the Google stack. These backlinks are so good that they will increase your websites DA (Domain Authority) as MOZ and Google see them. These are niche relevant links combined with Google focused links.
Social Media Links – Social Media accounts and backlinks show Google and other search engines you are trying to build and promote your brand. You can use paid social media ads or free social media efforts. The key is the scale. Think of every like, comment, share, and follow as an upvote for your website that Google will see.
Profile Links – These are similar to the Social Media Accounts and Links but they are easier to set up and can provide niche focused power. Think of things like your Author page on Amazon, or other book sales platforms if you have a book. Largely, these are built on DA 90+ sites for the most helpful links.
Press Release Backlinks – These are backlinks from press releases that have reached the major online media outlets, or hundreds of tier 2 media outlets. Often beyond just the major sites like Market Watch, your press release will hit major TV, Radio, and Print media sites.
Niche Edits – A niche edit is where your link is added to an active site with good monthly traffic, quality content, that is niche focused. The link uses the words on the page as an anchor link.
Authority Articles – Poorly written article content and article sites are dead, and professionals were happy to see them go. But well written guest posts of articles on successful sites still work well.
Comment backlinks – These are not to be used often, and must be done just right to not get your website penalized. So, never use any bots for this at all, and only comment where it adds value for the reader. IE: You might leave a helpful comment related to a blog, or to a question someone asks in a forum. The link you provide must be there as a reference link to the topic, or for you yourself. Absolutely, do not use spam comments.
Great Internal Linking – While not a true backlink, most website owners do a horrible job creating internal backlinks. Google loves them when they add value and help readers. Since Google and other search engines want to connect people with the best content using internal links is a way to let people dive deeper into your content. This allows them to find the answers to the things they are interested in. That is critical to your website's success. I call it content with context and it is the process we use most for our internal links to other content on the sites we work on.
Links Trackers / Short links – For an added boost, you can create backlinks to your sites with free link shortener tools then post those links online. It helps your links look better, but it also gives your SEO a boost. Since the link shortener software providers have highly ranked sites that link you create have extra SEO power or juice.
Bonus Backlink Type:
Private PBN Backlinks. Do not mistake these for the random backlinks created by simple software. These are internally owned private blog networks. They might be other WordPress sites you own, or Tumbler sites, or many other free site platforms. The content must be niche related, and it should be decent content.
You also want to use a tiered approach for any PBN content. Since most simple private blogs are not as fancy as active selling websites, they need more of a backlink boost for SEO power than an average website. This means in addition to controlling the blog network, you also need to control the sites connected to your website directly. Then you control at least 3-4 more layers of websites that point to that tier 1.
Here we are not talking about a great number of websites. Instead, we are speaking about just a few quality sites, backed by a few more. Since you control the content, you can do more with it on those sites to promote your brand. The idea is to make more niche relevant content on these sites to boost your overall results.
In addition to backlinks, you need good external links from your content as well. Just like your school teacher might have done when you wrote a paper, Google expects to see industry references as externally bound links from your site. For most sites, these means industry trade sites, some Government sites, or Wiki pages. With most long form content (blog, or webpage) you want to have at least 2 outgoing links present on a page. If you can add more, than that do so. Up to 1 outbound or external link per 500 words of content. More than that and the page just looks too busy.
These same methods applied carefully have helped many of our clients grow from brand new websites to 100,000 monthly visits or more. Established brands have double or tripled their website traffic.
Backlinks help, but they are not everything. If you create the best backlinks in the world but your website content is not up to par, then they will not work for long. Backlinks helps you get your content seen, but to keep traffic, and improve your rankings you need great content.