15 Steemit Post Types to Attract More Followers & Boost Your Popularity

in bestwaytoearn •  5 months ago 

Variety - that's ONE IMPORTANT FACTOR that's
gonna engage and entertain your followers, new
readers who land on your Steemit feed, and mos
importantly, YOURSELF*.
*Why yourself? Read up the Golden Rule To Blogging here .
But the problem is, even with the tons of ideas t
write on, how do you "package" them in a way that's
fresh, exciting and fun for your readers?
Today, we're gonna talk about those packaging.
Yup,15 (fifteen) different kind of
wrappers, boxes and ribbons you can use to
package your contents, in a way that's most
And the good thing is, most of the 29 post types
are considered Evergreen Contents types . These are
essentially information that are relevant even
after the time of posting. Think 2 to 3 years dow
the road, and a new Steemian stumbles onto yo
post, and still, they are totally engaged and
excited with the content. Sure, they can't help t
generate payout for that post (since it's already
past the 7 day mark), but I'm willing to bet they
are gonna check out your new posts, and that's
where you'll gain a your upvotes, and perhaps a
follower too. :)
Ok, let's get right into the 15 types. Yeah, it's gonna
be one long-ass post.

  1. The Origin Stories
    Everybody loves origin stories - from movie
    books to comics. People like to know who
    their idols before they were idols, what did
    heroes go through, the makings on their ico
    You can write about your personal heroes,
    even your own origin story. What are the steps t
    lead you to Steemit or even content writing? What di
    do to build the skills and network? How did you achi
    what you've achieve?

  2. Facts & Figures
    Statistics and data are some of the greatest
    convincers of all time, and it never fails to
    the shit out of your readers. Haven't you re
    statistic piece and say stuff like "Wow! I didn
    they were that BIG!"
    People are generally curious as well, which
    why documentaries still sell so well until to
    Blend a story around the figures and facts,
    you got a Based On A True Story post in the ma
    Also, remember that posts on statistics and
    research can help boost your credibility an
    authority, so it'll definitely give elevate you
    personal and professional brand. i.e. You'll
    people saying "Man, this person knows his sh!t!"

  3. Product Reviews
    Ah, the stuff people will read before makin
    purchase, and they will love the person wh
    them the right kind of info before deciding
    sale. Bear in mind that product reviews are
    very genre/interest specific, and you will h
    readers who may know more than you, so
    sure you do a good job at it.
    My advice is to review on products in an ar
    you know very well. Though you opinion
    personal, the depth of your reviews and th
    references that you made will paint a
    professional picture in the minds of your re
    so be prepared.

  4. Case Studies
    If you've done any research on real life exa
    in your areas of interest, do know that they
    really great posts. Case studies gives the re
    "behind-the-scene" info, how results are
    achieved, some facts and data they may no
    aware off and more. Case studies work wel
    you like to deep dive into topics and uncov
    inner workings, and bonus points if you ca
    breakdown the specific steps to replicate or
    recreate the results.

  5. Dummies’ Guides (How-Tos)
    We are all going through a learning phase
    point or another, and a Dummies' Guide , or H
    type of posts will help your readers who w
    know more about a particular topic. That's
    reason who the The Complete Idiots' Guide and
    Dummies book series are so popular.
    The few keys to successful Dummies Guide
    Be able to bring your readers up to sp
    Distill your subject into bite-size, actio
    Recommend tips, tricks, hacks and sho
    Give relevant examples and case studi
    can see your steps in action

  6. Newbie’ Guides
    This is almost similar to #5, but these are f
    noobs. Beginner's guide posts can sometim
    harder to write because you need to establi
    points of familiarity, especially when you a
    introducing a concept that is totally new.
    Blockchain, RFID, and gene splicing are so
    examples of concepts that need "bridging" to
    the reader already understand. That's critic
    the success of a Newbies' Guide post.
    Of course, check lists are also useful to hel
    your readers up to speed, and you will be s
    a useful resource because you are essential
    saving them precious time and from painfu

  7. Interviews with Subject Matter Experts
    This is a smart way to leverage on someon
    content, experience and expertise. Frankly,
    hardest part is connecting with the subject
    experts themselves, and after that, either a
    for a face-to-face meet up or Skype call for
    You can include the recordings in the post,
    can transcribe it out as well.
    A new trend of interviews are long form and
    dives, made popular by the award winning
    podcasts by the Bestselling Author Tim Ferriss . I
    podcast where he interview prominent
    individuals like Sir Richard Branson , Jamie Foxx,
    Ravikant and more can go up to 3 hours
    sometimes, so you can imagine the rich
    information you can obtain from them!

  8. Success Stories
    This never gets old, because everybody lov
    success story. It piques your readers intere
    excites them to engage with your contents,
    sometimes if you are featuring their idols, t
    may even leave a really good comment as
    Of course, you can also feature your own s
    stories, and if you can, try to include succe
    strategies that your readers can emulate to
    achieve your results.

  9. Failure Stories
    When I was hosting the Fuckupnights Kual
    Lumpur, we were amazed at the number of
    people who would beat the weather and tr
    just to hear failure stories (fuckups) from o
    featured speakers. The truth is, we someti
    learn more from failures than successes, an
    definitely less painful when the failures are
    That's why I personally vouch if you plan o
    writing failure stories, and keep is as raw a
    honest as you can. Of course, don't leave yo
    readers in a gloom; give them tips and tric
    avoid the failures, or maybe a lifeline for t
    who are fighting through their fuckups.

  10. Recommendations/Curation
    If you'd been in an industry or have been
    cultivating an interest for a while, whenev
    you're ask about it, you will have your list
    recommendations. It can be a curated list o
    books to read, movies to watch, places to g
    to eat, softwares to install and more.
    You can say that it's a "quickie", list versio
    product reviews, but recommendation post
    just that - quick, short suggestions to get yo
    readers interest to learn more about them.

  11. Best Practices
    In your experience of doing something, you
    encounter a list of best practices. It can be
    your job, your hobbies, a new interest. Post
    Best Practices suggest to your readers that yo
    been around the block a couple of time, an
    know where the potholes are and how to a
    them, and also shortcuts that others may n
    know of.
    Oh yeah! This is also a great way to boost y
    credibility and establish your authority as
    subject matter expert.

  12. Checklists
    We are generally anxious when embarking
    something new, especially if the decision is
    one. Life events like wedding preparation,
    starting a business, buying a house or goin
    two-year road trip can be taunting when it
    to preparations.
    That's why having a checklist will certainly
    your readers at ease, because you are tappi
    onto your own personal experience of havi
    walked the path, and now you are preparin
    your readers for the very same journey. He
    you've just became a tour guide!

  13. Lists (Curated, Best of-)
    Same as How-to posts (here's a post on cre
    effective How-To titles ), List posts are one o
    easiest to title and get you really good click
    through rates. Contents like "7 ways to do som
    or "9 books you have to read" or "3 places you mus
    always get clicked when they appear on so
    media (you know you are guilty of some of
    Why does it work? Well, you are promising th
    the end of the article, your reader will hav
    steps to solve a problem or Y things to lear
    Psychologically, your readers are willing to
    the time to go through the X and Y because
    their minds, as long as ONE of those things
    benefit them, it's worth the time reading yo

  14. Book Summaries
    If you are an avid reader, these posts are y
    ultimate go-to. Almost like a product revie
    for book summaries to be effective, you mu
    able to highlight the key points relevant to
    readers, and outline your key takeaways fr
    Book summaries are designed to give a sna
    of the content to your readers, and bonus p
    are given if they can apply your takeaways
    their own life.



  1. Anything inspirational
    Image Source
    Chicken Soup of the Soul, anyone? Stories of
    overcoming overwhelming odds, rags to ric
    the underdog, the miracles, the strength of
    human spirit… those inspiration stuff that
    smile on your face and tears in the corner
    your eyes, they work like magic! And regardles
    the time, even if it's a recent story or a tale
    from the pages of history, the charms will
    on the heart.
    Wow, it didn't occur to me that it will be s
    long post, and we've only passed the half
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