A Betrouwbare mediums is a psychic. A reliable medium has certain gifts, for example, he/she is clairvoyant and/or clairvoyant. A person with these gifts, a reliable medium, is called a psychic. However, in addition to these gifts, some individuals can also make contact with the deceased on the other side. For example, a reliable medium receives messages and images from the deceased. A person who can make contact with deceased people is called a (reliable) medium. He is supposedly the messenger. A Betrouwbare mediums or reliable medium is a psychic, but a psychic does not always have to be a medium or reliable medium, because not all psychics can contact the deceased. People who have lost a loved one can take much comfort from the words of a reliable medium. How can a Betrouwbare mediums help you?
It is not easy to explain in a few words what mediumship exactly is because it is a phenomenon that has many differences in level and intensity. In this piece, I will highlight and try to explain these differences as much as possible. At the moment a true “fashion wave” is emerging, more and more mediums are emerging, but are they really pure when they work with their clients? I do not think that although I assume that these people mean well and do their work with love and dedication, it is all too quickly said that one is a medium. Before someone can and may call himself that, years of training precede and not everyone has the ability to really work as a medium. Unfortunately, it is often the case that someone claims to be a medium, while it stems from ego and a desire for power, it also sounds interesting and impressive. I realize that this sounds very negative and unkind, but I see it happening around me too much and I am sorry that unsuspecting people are affected. I would greatly applaud a good professional association for mediums and healers.
A medium is a 'channel'
A medium is a "channel" capable of making contact with the spiritual world, which is invisible and inaudible to many people. The medium can bridge the gap between our world and the spiritual world, thus passing on messages and showing that our dear deceased are not gone forever, but that life continues on the other side of this bridge. Many people feel that the bond with our loved ones is broken forever after death, that we will never meet again, but that is incorrect. This bond can and will never be broken, which is why the spiritual world finds it so important to let us know, through a medium, that we are still connected.
The people in the spiritual world want nothing more than to be very close to us, to be in touch with us, to help us and to make us feel that they love us dearly. Currently, there is a great demand for good mediums, because people are looking for answers to their life questions. The answers they are used to get are no longer sufficient in this age of awareness, people no longer settle for scientific approaches, but look for answers that better suit their soul. Everyone knows someone who has problems and who is looking for ways to solve these problems. Because online medium is able to make contact with the loving souls of the spiritual world, insights can thus be given about a certain situation, making someone able to be responsible for his / her own life. After someone has died, the next of kin often struggle with questions for a long time, especially if someone has died very suddenly, or under strange circumstances. A medium can then make contact with the deceased and in this way he can tell about why it happened and how he/she is doing now. This can be a huge comfort for the next of kin and they are better able to grieve and process.