The First Step To A Better You

in betteryou •  8 years ago 

It is not always that you feel great about yourself. There will be times , however rare they may be, when you feel the least of yourself. There will be moments when you will say to yourself:

“This is not what I want to become, I want a better me.”

During those “pity” parties, thoughts of change and major makeovers would come up, and you begin planning a metamorphosis from your previous self. Unfortunately, such change, no matter how passionate you may be about it at that time, would more likely fail the first few stages before its completion.

Do you wonder why?

This is because..


And if our desire to improve ourselves diminish even the slightest bit on that single day, the entire process would surely be for naught. Also the desire for change is never enough. One should learn not just to exert effort but to give one hundred percent for change to be achieved.

But if you are one of those few who is so tired of living the life of their old selves,


Tomorrow would be too far away-and you may have changed your mind by that time- and yesterday would be but a memory. If change is what you want, today is the perfect day to start. Being a better you would not be easy, you have lived all these years being the present you just fine, haven’t you?

But why don’t you ask yourself this:

Why is there a need for me to change? Or better yet, why do I need to change?

Well, if you have answers for both questions and you are ready to take action to better yourself, the following are just some of the things you can do to start to have a better you:


1.Wake up before sunrise

  • Take advantage of being ahead of everyone else and enjoy the coming of the day. This practice will lead to a fresher, more alive you throughout the day if continued. The happier you start your day, the brighter the rest of the day will be.

2.Ask someone if there is anything you can help them with

  • Try to ask others if there is anything that you can do to make their day better. They will appreciate you more and may inspire them to pay it forward. This action usually leads to self-fulfillment knowing that you have improved the life of another.

3.Get outside and be active

  • The world is vast and incredible and usually it can be experienced just by walking out the front door. Take this opportunity to walk through your town or city and greet all of those you pass. Experience life in the form of nature. Do this for 30 minutes and your mind will be clearer and more alive than when you started.

4.Write down your goals for the next week

  • Don’t look so far ahead. Enjoy everything that you want to accomplish this week. By writing down your aspirations for one week, you will be more in tune with taking action today instead of procrastinating. Want to simplify your workspace? Write it down along with small daily tasks that will accomplish this goal. Keep it simple and you will achieve great things that will brighten your days to come.

5.Do one thing you love

  • Love reading? Love running? Love talking? Love relaxing? Love writing? Whatever it is that you love, try doing that for some period of your day. When we experience the things we love, we tend to carry that positive attitude towards the following actions.

6.Make another person’s day

  • You would be surprised how much positive impact a small act can have on the person you are kind to along with the impact it has upon yourself. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. It just should be something that will brighten their day.

7.Learn something new

  • Have you always wanted to know how to say a few words of Mandarin as well as understand what you were saying? Well, learn that one new thing today. Take this chance to educate yourself about one thing you didn’t know before today and you will be that much brighter. Education should not stop when we leave school. By implementing this daily act, you will be capable of improving your ability to adjust to new and improved aspects of culture.

The steps provided do not compel you to follow them, that right is still bestowed on you whether you will do the steps or not. Though change is hard and does not occur overnight, there is a huge chance of success once you start it yourself. Because only YOU know whether YOU need that change.


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Lovely post with great photos

thanks @ianstrat! glad u liked it :-)

People sure do need these positive reads these days... too much going on and get caught up in... thanks.