drink known as sanger expreso

in beverages •  7 years ago 

malam sahabat stemian semua
malam ini saya coba untuk mengupload gambar minuman yang disebut sanger
tentu para stemian nggak asing lagi yang namanya sanger

ini foto sanger expreso
apalagi seharian kita yang di penuhi aktivitas tentu butuh waktu untuk nyantai, di aceh sahabat stemian untuk saat ini banyak para muda-mudi maupun orang tua menghilangkan suntuk di warungkopi

untuk saat ini para stemian di aceh sudah banyak warung kopi, disitu para stemian tersedia kopi expreso,sanger expreso, kopi arabika dan lain lain

bagi para stemian yang butuh rilex cobalah

companions of the night stemian all tonight I try to upload a picture of a drink called sanger is certainly the stemian no stranger whose name is sanger let alone a day of us who supplied the activity necessarily takes time to nyantai, in aceh's best friend stemian for currently many of the younger as well as older people remove fill in warungkopi to the stemian currently in aceh have been many coffee shops, there are the stemian coffee available expreso, sanger expreso, Arabica coffee and others for the stemian needs rilex try

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