An Open Letter to the Founders of Ecoin

in beyondbitcoin •  5 years ago 

Your concept is brilliant! You have taken the best of the best from previous successful projects and blended them together into something that is even better! Discounting Blockchain as a given – Bitcoin has value because of the work involved in Mining. You have improved that model by dispensing with 99.9% of the work; you have replaced complicated Mining with the simplicity of Recruiting. And Facebook's proposed Libra will have immediate value just because of the volume of the people in its Network. With a minimum investment, you have virtually guaranteed you'll be to a Billion quite soon – without the need to do much more marketing. And numbers-wise, eventually Ecoin will be looking at Facebook in its rear-view mirror. With great efficiency, you will soon have created both a huge Network of Members and a correspondingly balanced amount of Currency with which they can engage in Commerce.

(As the flood of new members to Ecoin levels off, the graph of the quantity of new coins will be a mirror image of a graph of the increase of the world's population. The value of the mature Ecoin will become stable, and remain stable until the world's population begins to shrink. At that point, Inflation would appear – unless there was some mechanism put in place to reduce the total number of Ecoins to balance the reduced number of people in the Network. This is not a problem that will need to be addressed anytime soon.)

On the downside, you are in the process of creating a potential monster—a Golem—a creature of immense strength but no sense of Self. When you bring it to life, it will be yet another monster toy that the Elite will seek to control. And no matter their good intentions – they will fail! There is no possible way a few individuals will be able to comprehend the needs of this newborn goliath.

Your creature needs to have its own voice! As you approach your targeted Billion, think of each new member of the Network as an individual brain cell in the growing brain of this creature. While potentially capable of understanding complex problems and reaching their solutions – each of these individual cells is connected only one-dimensionally with the rest of the brain. Each individual knows only by whom it was recruited and those new members it recruited. Actual brains do not think one-dimensionally – they think three-dimensionally. The argument could be made that the more brain cells your Golem has, the stupider it will become. It is incumbent upon you to find a way to allow those individual brain cells to connect, so that they can rationally think about the problems common to them.

Don't try to think for it yourselves! It is said that Power corrupts, and absolute Power corrupts absolutely. Or as I like to frame it: All top-down Power structures create corrupt Leaders. If you Founders think you are wise enough to control your creature – you are indeed fools.

I assume you plan to pay yourselves in Ecoins – and you should be paid well! (Just in passing, not only is the idea brilliant, but your web presence is both easily understood, and easily navigated. Well done!) By the time you get to 1 Billion members, you will have created well in excess of 1 Trillion Ecoins. You Founders could conceivably each take a Billion coins for yourselves, and it would hardly be noticed… right away. But when it does become noticed, you run the risk of having weakened your position by sowing seeds of discontent among the faithful.

"Ecoin founders rip off their members in the latest in a long line of Crypto-scams!" If this is the kind of headline that is floating around the Internet – the value of your coins will be greatly diminished, and you will have missed your chance at greatness. For your Ecoins to have optimum Real World Value, the Network you create will have to be stable, healthy and in profitable operation. You don't want your Members in an uproar, and state regulators sniffing around for probable cause to shut you down. If you tried to cash out during such rumbles of discord, the pile of gold you'd wind up with would be relatively small. But, if you applied your brilliance, and grew the value of Ecoins optimally, the story would be very much different. Here's a crazy thought: I think you should allow those billion Members in on determining how much you should get. The Pareto Principle works in your favor. It has always been the case that 80 percent of the value accrues to 20 percent of the Members in any discrete Network. You might well be awarded 2 billion coins apiece, and be loved by all. Don't do it only halfway, and become stinking rich but despised – when you could get stinking rich and be heroes!

If you're an Ecoin Founder and still reading this – you should be screaming, "And just how the hell am I supposed to get 1,000,000,000 people to agree on anything?" Good question!

Currently, there is only one method to connect those individual brain cells into a self-aware, thinking entity. And this is the first time in history that such a method is technologically possible. That system is my proposed Matrix-8 Platform. [] My system is the only system (of which I'm aware) that can equitably connect those brain cells into a unified functioning brain. And at that point – the sky is the limit!

Freed from all chains of control, Mankind will be able to move into the future motivated by the fuel which has always energized Human Nature. Essentially, that fuel is Love – the glue that holds us all together. You will have provided Mankind with a universal currency with which it can freely, openly and securely conduct its businesses. And the Ecoin Members will be able to think and act regarding any Question, Cause or Goal, to which they wish to address themselves. The Matrix-8 Platform you provide them will allow for fully inclusive Participation, with open, fruitful Deliberation, leading to realistic, understood Accords, arrived at through the Democratic Process. Do not think you know best! Have faith in Human Nature. Free Mankind and become cultural heroes.

You are quite obviously in 100% control of your Ecoin venture. (And that is as it should be.) But to figure out what your Billion want, so that you can most profitably proceed, you desperately need the Matrix-8 Platform.

I want you to invest in a Matrix-8 Platform, and start talking to your members. I predict that as the conversation unfolds you will see the wisdom of the masses. My belief is that the only way you can fully maximize Ecoin's growth and success is by gradually beginning to cede control of the Network you are creating – to the Network itself! And then, no matter what you decide to do – at the very least, you will have invited everyone to have their say. And by doing so, you will maximize the Real-World Value of those Ecoins the Billion will have awarded you. Only you Founders can give your Golem life, and then set it free – for the benefit of all.

John Huckel

PS – For anyone reading this who is ignorant about Ecoin – you can find out all about it here:

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Great work John. I'm very happy you've recognised the huge potential of Ecoin and have written to the founders to help them make it work very well with the help of the Matrix-8 Platform.


I just wrote a post about Ecoin to with some quotes from your open letter:

Who am i?

hi John, Ecoin team here , thanks for all kind words , we are very excited you liked our idea , we hope to see many minds like you join our mission in bringing crypto to everyone.
let me know if you want to have a chat with me Telegram @kris_ecoiner or [email protected]