You can make gold your money. Buy anything, at anytime, anywhere with your gold, wherever MasterCard is accepted.

in beyondbitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Paying in gold for groceries in Toronto, Canada.

Ultilize only the amount of gold that you need to pay or spend.

Want your own, Goldmoney prepaid debit MasterCard?

Goldmoney strictly follows all international & national rules & regulations, where applicable.

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Fantastic article Nigel! You are doing an awesome job spreading the word about Goldmoney on STEEMIT! Thank you also for helping correct the misinformation about Goldmoney :)

Same here!

Thank you, @goldmatters

You're welcome!

Great post! I have also used the goldmoney mastercard...if you are into cryptocurrency here is a great app called wirex that offers a mastercard so you can spend your the link below and you will get 25% discount on the mastercard
Checkout my profile to learn more! Best regards, André

Thank you, @survivebubble
Will check Wirex.
Thank you for the heads up.

Thanks for that !!

Amazing article, Nigel. Let's keep spreading the @Goldmoney word!

Thank you, @jacksproxton
You are an inspiration to me, Jack, especially your Instagram posts.
Looking forward to your posts on @Steemit.
Followed you. :)

I wonder if GoldMoney's vaults of precious metals are open for inspection for their customers? Reminds me how the Rothchilds got their start in fractional banking via gold certificates.

Thank you for your response, @thelightreports

Transparent gold

I wonder if GoldMoney's vaults of precious metals are open for inspection for their customers?

Goldmoney gold is held under bailment in Brinks and/or Loomis vaults in Zurich, London, New York, Toronto, Singapore, Hong Kong & Dubai. Your gold is stored in your name; Goldmoney does not have title to the gold; you have title to your gold.
Goldmoney has a realtime audit.

how the Rothchilds got their start in fractional banking via gold certificates.

Goldmoney is not a bank; its more like PayPal based on a blockchain for gold.

My point is that you don't own gold unless you physically posses it- this is all gold cert backed and as far as I'm concerned the gold cert/etf markets are fraudulent and have nowhere near the actual physical gold needed to back certificates issued.

You're quite correct, @thelightreports, its best to own the physical metal.

However, if your gold has to be liquid, to be used to pay for gasoline or for school fees, Goldmoney serves the purpose.
All Goldmoney gold is held under bailment, @thelightreports

an act of delivering goods to a bailee for a particular purpose, without transfer of ownership.

Yes I understand all gold money gold is held under bailment- but I'd be willing to bet that just like many other bailment arrangements, such as the Fed holding Germany's gold in NYC, that all the gold that should be there isn't.

Yes I understand all gold money gold is held under bailment- but I'd be willing to bet that just like many other bailment arrangements, such as the Fed holding Germany's gold in NYC, that all the gold that should be there isn't.

Goldmoney is a business, with no incentive to fudge the gold. @thelightreports.
Understand where you are coming from, though. With gold, the elephant in the room is an FDR type confiscation.
Appreciate your contribution & insight into this conversation. @thelightreports

The gold wasn't there? That's odd because Germany has received all the gold it has asked for ahead of schedule.
Don't fall for all the conspiracy theories out there.

They got their gold ahead of an absurd 7 year schedule- what took the French only a few months to deliver equivalent loads of German gold- please save the conspiracy theory crap- the Fed resisted German auditors because the gold wasn't there. They printed Franklins 24/7 to buy the gold needed to fulfill the German obligation- and they called it 'quantitative easing'- $85B/ quarter printed.

I have a BS in Finance which helps me easily see the BS in western finance- PONZI SCHEME that apparently YOU have fallen for.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I understand the nature of fiat currency. I also have an understanding of the gold market. And I also know that the German government announced in 2013 that they wanted to repatriate one half of their gold to German soil. The US completed their delivery last year, while France has another 91 tons to deliver later this year, so yea, your knowledge is impressive.

I would like to see where the Fed could buy 300 tons of gold on the sly as you seem to be suggesting.

Nice post
Thanks for sharing
Have a great weekend

Thank you, @lordoftruth
A great weekend t you, too.

Silver is just as valuable! Hope they add a silver backed MasterCard soon!

Silver is just as valuable!

Silver is valuable, too, @contrarianinvest but, not as much as gold. Of course, a silver backed Mastercard is possible but, it will have to overcome the advantage of storage space required that gold has.

I got into goldmoney and anyone hesitating just jump in. I had nothing but good experiences since ive been with them.

I had nothing but good experiences since ive been with them.

Yes, @@@gangster.inc00
Followed you.

Thank you my friend, enjoy your Sunday and have a profitable week.

One item i have on my list is the goldmoney MasterCard made out of gold. Sweet !!

Why it is simple a bad idea....

Each day, new supply worldwide:
+$340 million of newly mined #Gold
+$160 million of newly printed #USD
+$2 million of newly mined #Bitcoin 😋


I heard Gorge Soros is behind this? Can anyone clarify or should I do some research myself? LOL

Its a good idea to do your own research @the-eliot. 😊
Hearsay is good for the New York Times, CNN & fake news. It would be my pleasure to clarify any queries that eschew ad hominem.

Everyone should research Honest, Sound Money, Gold & Goldmoney

Some guidance for your research:

  1. Who says that Soros is behind this?
    1.1 Are they connected with another gold business?
    1.2 Who is the source of the source, other than senior official?
    1.3 What's the name?
  2. Is Goldmoney a means whereby anyone on the planet now has a choice in money?
    2.1 Does gold represent sound, honest money?
    2.1.1 Would you like to find out for yourself?
    2.2 TSX lists all stockholders of Goldmoney Inc