CRYPTOCURRENCY MINER WANTED: an advisor for my kids mining project

in beyondbitcoin •  8 years ago 

My son has designed a system that integrates the heat generated from mining systems 

It is intended to;


EG.  If integrated into a new 1200 sq/ft home, the home would be paid off within 2-3 years

He has an amazing plan and needs someone to 'vet' his idea with in a safe -no fear of losing his concept- and possibly an interested partner/s.  

connect with me




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Would you be interested in 'chatting' with my son? Perhaps you 2 obvious like-minded entrepreneurs could really heat up the room? (together) He is 17 years old, we live in northern Ontario, Canada... He will be entering his 'prototype' into this year's science fair sponsored by our school board. Would really like to find a way to connect him with others who could benefit from other's right and wrong moves... to learn and to create something absolutely tremendous...

I hope to hear from you...somehow... I'm new to Steemit and have never Facebooked before... but I did have to create a FB to join Steemit so I am sorta there. I will check back to see if you respond. Sure wish Steemit would notify you when a reply to a comment is received....

From reading your blog, I can see where his entrepreneurial spirit comes from ;) Yeah, the biggest problem would be raising the capital to get a proto-type made of his system. I'm not on Facebook, but he's welcome to email me with his ideas, and I can give him some honest feedback. I used to work for the now bust Nortel, so I have some good I.T. & engineering skills.

Get him to email me at: [email protected]
Thanks :)

p.s. I'm based between Poland the UK ;)

Hey! Nice to meet you! I've never met anyone from Poland before. I will pass this on to him. our email: [email protected] HELLO from Northern Ontario CANADA eh! :)

I'm a Scot actually, with a Polish spirit and a Hawaiian state of mind - and a love of Canadian bacon - bacon is the key to my heart ;) I await your sons email. In transit to Israel on business tomorrow, but I will get back to him I promise ;) @mindhunter

Curious if anything ever came of this. Sounds so interesting.