Stan Larimer on the State of Cryptos Today

in beyondbitcoin •  7 years ago 

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The cryptocurrencies world has been like a roller coaster ride with lots of ups and downs. It can be very confusing and disorienting to even the casual observer. To find some bearing on what is happening and what we should do I turned to one of the legends in this still-fledgling industry, Stan Larimer

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Stan Larimer is literally a rocket scientist. He has even taught rocket scientists at the United States Air Force Academy! He holds a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering and Rocket Science . He has consulted with companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Grummond and many others. He is the President of Blacksburg, Virginia-based Cryptonomex and regularly consults with clients in the crypto space.

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Stan is best known for his work with Bitshares and is called by many, “The Godfather of Bitshares.” He is the father of Steemit-co-founder and chief designer, Dan Larimer. Known as @stan on Steemit, Stan shares with us in this video some hot tips on what is necessary for success in Steemit.

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He also shares about Bitshares some some exciting developments for Bitshares and former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion, Evander Holyfield. This is part of what is happening with Bitshares and you’ll want to hear it directly from Stan on this video.

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Stan also shares how they are involved in the Billion Hero Campaign where they are raising One Billion Dollars (yes, a LOT of money!) for causes that include what Evander Holyfield is doing with them. They are taking the power of crypto and using it to help worthy causes and generate a lot of great interest.

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This is a must-see video for anyone who is interested in where we are with cryptocurrencies today, where we’re going, and what it takes for success in Steemit. Please leave a comment below and let us know what you think. Thank you very much for watching and I look forward to getting your comments.

Terry Brock

Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional
[email protected]
+1-407-363-0505 (Orlando, Florida, USA)

Steemit - @terrybrock

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Two powerhouses of the freedom movements meet!

I hope that you had a chance to tell Stan about Anarchapulco, Terry. Stan would meet his kind of people there for sure, and would be a dynamite speaking attraction.

Yes, we are talking about that now. It would be great to have @stan speak at Anarcapulco 2018. Thank you for your help, @onceuponatime!

Yes yes! Please get Stan there. Perfect fit.

Excuse Me @terrybrock, Can you please tell me about "Anarcapulco" ??

also Google Jeff Berwick (Dollar Vigilante)

Can you please tell me about "Anarcapulco" ?? @terrybrock

sir tell me how to increse my steemit accout and how i earn money from steemit.

Buy steem power then delegate to someone like @jerrybanfield who pays you daily and helps to raise the value of steem, he has great videos to teach other ways to make money also!


Very good question. There are many videos and documents here on Steemit that show how to do that both in technical terms (step by step) and in concept. Make it a point to spend time each day watching videos and posts like these. Then let us know how you're doing on it. I look forward to hearing from you!



You bet, @marketclob! Thank you for visiting


I am very glad that so many interesting thoughts @terrybrock + @stan can bounce off of each other. These kinds of dialogues end up being historic if your speaking platform is properly maintained, with a flood of newbies coming in the last few weeks, like myself. You guys both do such a stellar job of explaining the simple and illustrating importance, thanks again @terrybrock best of luck to you in 2018, it's already starting off very well I see!

Thank you very much @cryptkeeper. Welcome aboard and thanx for stopping by!

Yes, Please get stan there.

agreed, alongside Ron Paul, who I'm told will be speaking there also

This is the first interview I've ever turned into with Stan Larimer.

Really appreciate having access to his perspective on this stuff!!

Thanks a lot Terry. I will be rewatching this at least once more : )

Thank you, @joshuaseymour. Glad to have you here.

Master @onceuponatime, whats Anarchapulco?

I bet it's related to anarchy and decentralisation of blockchain that helps people to chase their dreams.
I wonder what waves he will bring if he visits that mysterious Anarchapulco.

Ow, merci.

Yes, I agree with you.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

downvoted this spam.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Please do not make a comment unrelated to my comment as a way to advertise your posts.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

May I wonder why his face look trippy? Had he used any app to edit the photo?

hahaha you certainly may wonder.
I'm clueless though personally- Idun use Photoshop..

God bless you.

cryptocurrencies are the future and thank

Cryptocurrencies are the future and thank goodness that we are part of it..good post

Yes indeed! Thanks for stopping by.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Are you threatening me!?

Cryptos prosper!


Awesome job, Terry! You are such a great interviewer and Stan is so interesting.

Thank you, @ginacarr. It was great working with Stan on this.

You ARE such a great interviewer Terry! Excellent video to give the noobs an overview of BitShares and crypto.

Thank you, @full--steem-ahead (love that moniker!). Glad to help out and thank you for stopping by & your comment.

I think BlockChain technology has bright future and CryptoCurrencies with real world uses cases will flourish.... thoughts???

Great interview. :)

I just bought my first shares of Bitshares 2 days ago then starting seeing all these posts about it so hoping still a good time to be an early adopter :)

Excellent interview @terrybrock, being a newbie in cryptos I must say I learned tons from this interview. The future looks really interesting in the crypto space. Am learning as much as I can, hopefully lots of freedom and success will manifest in my life :)

Good for you, @practicaleric. The future is bright and cryptocurrencies provide a great way for freedom and success. Go for it!

This is wonderful information Terry! I really enjoyed the interview.

Thank you, @ericvancewalton. Nice to have you stop by for a visit. Glad you enjoyed it.

That great idea.

Really cool to see @stan and @terrybrock have this conversation. A lot of great things on the horizon for Bitshares. I am incredibly excited for what the future holds.

wish i would have bought bitshares months ago

How potent and powerful is that, wow!!!

We are in a giant tidal wave on this Bitshares surf rising, welcome aboard @terrybrock and thank you so very much for this brilliant sharing, as always sharp!

Upvoted, resteemed and shared!

Namaste :)

Namaste to you as well @eric-boucher. Glad you enjoyed it. @stan did a great job sharing powerful ideas that we can all use.

In my humble opinion, bringing two clear and bright minds such as yours on the same discussion can't do otherwise but to underline essentials, motivate the listeners through concise and thorough education to invest of themselves after understanding that such so-called "disruptive technologies" are here to stay for the benefits of us all.

Thanks a lot for your constant regard to the listeners comprehension, your diligence and detailed questions seems to circumvent the matters at hand in easy yet detailed manners. It is an art in itself, great job highly appreciated on this end!

Namaste :)

WOW, he knows more about crypto than I'll ever forget!

Very good post, you have huge knowledge about cryptocurrency

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello ! Thank you for this ! I am sort of an E.T here in France , where my profil doesn't fit in what should be a 43 old mom interested in Blockchain and btc ! I came here to find info and try to learn more to communicate to my surroundings ( not always easy ... ) I have not yet many skills on steemit but I am following you !

40 year old mum here with interest in cryptos. Dutch, however.

Ducth , french whatever ! :) Nice to meet you !

We should make a mums loving Crypto post together. Is that even possible on steemit to write a post together?

Hell yes wonder how we could do it .... But not sure that function is up or even active ....
we are going to have to tell our story and how we came to cryptos .
Not sure I really understand the whole voting system here .... Have any tips ?

Writing and get upvoted Gers hou the most rewards. Voting within 10 min on another post gives the curator 0, but voting with little STEEM power also gives you little reward. Why dont you write a post How you got onto cryptos, Im interested. Also lots of french on steemit, So you can also do it in french.

Great Video! Looks like we have some good genes backing us up here!

Can you predict the state of Crypto tomorrow?

State of Cryptos Today is unknown.

Great post and i really enjoyed listening to Stan Larimer and what he had to say on crypto's.
Thanks for sharing.

great guy @terrybrock and i guess you guys did wonderfully well in this interview! thanks for sharing this video which benefited many of us. keep it coming

Wow that was a wonderful insight on cryptocurrency. This the real future of currency. Thats why large financial institutions are scrambling to catch up the wave of crypto to be in control with the trade.

I like this post, I did not knew about who is the brain behind of steemit for luck read here today

Glad it helped y ou. Thanx for visiting.

Cryptocurrencies are the future but not all coins are good, its important to study each one and see which one to invest...and i'm also waiting to see what the bank system will do to try to counteract this.

I LOVE the "Atlas Shrugged" book over his shoulder. That speaks volumes in the nature of his thoughts.

That was pretty danged cool to see that! Thanx for pointing it out!

I'm pro Larimer family :)

Just released an update on Cardano, check it out guys...

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this is so good ilike it

the future think goodness that we part in that's great post i like it.

Just learned of Stan Larimer a few days ago on The Bad Crypto podcast and bought some BTS based on that interview. Always interesting to hear from the people behind the crypto. Thanks for the interview.

Outstanding Post @terrybrock!

The attached video interview with @stan larimer is chocked full of information providing enormous value to those of us fairly new to cryptocurrencies, Steemit, and BitShares.

It also provides good insight on the future, and direction of cryptocurrencies. I really enjoyed it, and took away a lot from it.

Thanks for the post @terrybrock!

Cryptocurency are nice idea

Great post about cryptos and its movement! Hopefully more to come!

Hello @terrybrock, We All know about bitcoin, which is the one of the best cryptocurrency, can you please tell me what do you think about Ripple (XRP)? , i mean that what do you think that it will good currency or not in future.?

Winning strategy.

Buy some of EACH altcoin currently on the market.
Set all to sell @ 24% profits.
Eventually hit all of your sell orders and earn 24% of what you put in.
Wait for 40% dip on each type of altcoin.


You're welcome
(Not responsible for any losses should you choose to do this. ;) )

Sounds interesting.

This kind of interview or meetings helps the newbie to interact with real knowledge if crypto currency. Keep going great work

Thank you @cbeep. Glad it helped you.


Thanks @terrybrock - Nice Post. I really like all the Larimars Projects. I got in Bitshares, Steem and EOS like 3 Months ago, never regret it! I'm excited about this Year...

Good for you, @dalexx. Thank you for stopping by.

Just started following @terrybrock.

First one of your videos I've seen and I enjoyed it quite a bit, will be following from now on! Thanks Terry!

Thank you, @mkultra87f for stoping by. Glad you liked the video

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


Great post! Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are here to stay in spite of all the opposition.

thanks for this interview!!

You betcha!

good post,,,
This technique does seem to work pretty good for me, a little too good sometimes, I think...........//////////

great post i loved thank you

flowing me @bestcomputer2

good job

you my good sir are very good at what you do. I am always impressed to see people utilizing technology to their benefits even when all odds are against you! The key to success is now to be able to un learn and learn newer things.

What you say is SO right, @investorsutopia (I like that moniker!). Thank you very much for that.

Stan and Dan Larimer make a great team. Steemit is a great platform and I learnt a lot about bitshares today. Thank you.

Am new on the block when it comes to crypto currency. I guess with information like this we get enlighten daily. So no one is left out!

Thanks Terry

You bet, @oracion! Thank you for stopping by.

I just finished watching this video. You are good Terry. Love the questions you asked Stan. Subscribed!!

Very relevant info, how do I resteem? Good one...

It is really a great thing to know how cryptocurrency started and where it is right now. Thanks for sharing

I really liked your article. I'm going to follow you because I like the Bitcoins theme. When you have some time I invite you to read my latest publication

I really liked the subject that you expose


Brilliant! Thanx for sharing that

Good interview. I hope more people listen and use Steemit how it should be used.

Share your own story/opinion/cryptovision/health vision/sports or what you want to share.

Be supportive to others who need it. I'm quite new here but enjoy the variousity of knowledge you'll find here.

Thank you. Glad to have you with us!

Cyptocurrency is the new world order


Amazing post i like it thanks for sharing everyone ok really.

Thank you and glad you liked it.

crypto currency is the currency of future.
people are moving towards crypto rapidly.
Crypto industary is boosted in this era.
Bitcoin is more dominnat king in the crypto world.

Congratulations @terrybrock!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 3 with $ 848,4

Thank you @terrybrock - @Stan is one of those interviewees who can cause an 'open mouth moment' every few sentences. We're also big fans of his son (@Dan)! Go Bitshares and go EOS!

Nice video. Thanks for the info, Terry!

You betcha @tigerwoodz (clever name!) Thank you for the comment.

Hi Sir your articles are very nice I am inspired with you. I am new to steemit plz help me and support me.

Sir I am Faceing a Problem Of my life If You want please help me I am proud of your helpful work please sir @terrybrock

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am from Venezuela and in my country the president wants to implement this currency, it hurts that this government is not prepared for this, since the cryptomoneda for me is the currency of the future, very the video, I am now a user of steemit, @ rapo and I am very happy to meet people like you, through my son @ malos10, who makes humanitarian aid with the support of @you are hope I knew this world and now I work with them, I hope you also read my post, and you advise me, thank you very much bye.

Big up Atlas Shrugged in the background, just been watching Milton Friedman's 'Free to Choose' series again, I would love it if he was still around to see this!

I am impressed

I am also interested in increasing my income with the steemit account. I shall be glad if you could guide me a little bit so that I can take a positive start.

cryptos good

wow it was so interesting

Fantastic Post

day by day btc is going far from me

You are great @terrybrock. Information is important and interesting.

Wish people could upvote me and I make money from this post, I’m african and we have less supply

I am very motivated with your post to become a member who advanced and successful in steemiat mr.@terrybrock, because i @arul101 is just getting rich start in steemit from indonesia. Good Luck

Thank you for being here @arul101. Hey, Indonesia is a great country. I've been there a couple of times and loved it. Hope to get back again sometime. Thanx for your comment!

Excuse Me @terrybrock, Can you please tell me about "Anarcapulco" ??

Thanks for sharing !

you are great post share....... wow!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Stan would meet his kind of people there for sure, and would be a dynamite speaking attraction.

The interview was great and very informative

I am from Venezuela and in my country the president wants to implement this currency, it hurts that this government is not prepared for this, since the cryptomoneda for me is the currency of the future, very the video, I am now a user of steemit, @ rapo and I am very happy to meet people like you, through my son @ malos10, who makes humanitarian aid with the support of @you are hope I knew this world and now I work with them, I hope you also read my post, and you advise me, thank you very much bye.

Thank you for your comment. Muchas gracias senor! We see what is happening in Venezuela and feel for you. Wishing you the best and I look forward to hearing more from you here on Steemit.

Can anybody tell me that is it possbile in that meeting of BE in 19 january can they do anything to stop mining ?

hi sir i am a newcomer, follow your post, please help to like my post and will become your my vote @terrybrock

I always think what can I do for my community.... Now I know I can share bitshares to my nation... The whole world must know that bitshares is derivative market.

Easy, buy low sell most high and #hodl free coins they add up fast! Problem is finding the low ones that are good as most have grown alot the last couple months and holding the best ones like ripple, steem and many more, dragonchain looks interesting...

Thank you for the post!

What a great time to be alive!!!!!

what does this mean please "Anarcapulco"???

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In my point of view the best coin for guys like me is Ripple because i belongs to middle class family and i cant invest huge amount in Crypt o currency. Ripple rate is now 3.65$ and before a week its price was 1.08$ so, it is very useful for investment. I think Ripple id the best coin it had just 153% in a week.

So Munchee was a recent company that was shut down by SEC because they offered unlicensed securities. You mentioned these ICOs should either make sure they are not offering securities or go through the the licensiscing.

What are some examples of these high quality, licensed securities? And also the companies which make sure they are not offering securities?

Hi Terry,
I am your subscriber in youtube and also follwing you in steemit. Thanks for sharing.

Nice (Y) !!!

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Hola bienvenido a esta comunidad steemit te deseo suerte feliz año espero enero sea de muchos éxitos para ti .

"It's the best of times, and it's the worst of times." Very True. With a great deal of opportunity, comes a great deal of risk.

wish i had bitshare.