Today i will begin a series to help people invest in Crypto Currencies!
So that many of you can make a steady profit.
First of all lets look at what's been going on this week as the major sell offs are coming into a more refined space, we can see a slight Stabilization in Most Coins.
Allow me to draw your attention to a specific coin at this time!
Which may peak your interest ;)

Allsafe (ASAFE2)
Allsafe stands for:
Trust, Reliability, and Protection.
As you can see the Growth of this currency has been
7 Days 907112%
24 Hours: 28.85%
1 Hour: 25.11%
This is a pump and dump coin, the best thing for you now to do is keep an eye out for when the price falls particularly low and buy as much as you can, please remember invest responsibly and what you can afford! I have had personal gains and made a nice profit of $1700 with AllSafe
29 June Report
Stay tuned!
Wait for retracements of lower price, do not buy now, Stay Tuned.