Best way to cope with sleep deprivation.

in beyourself •  7 years ago  (edited)

I will share my own useful tips to effectively cope with sleep deprivation.

It is no matter of surprise that people who live in this kind of treadmill type of lifestyle are more prone to suffer with sleep disturbance or sleep deprivation. So the question is simple. How you can help yourself if this problem is effecting your life? As personally being effected by sleep deprivation due to working nights in hospital, so I needed to do everything as possible to reduce to the absolutely minimum the side effects of the situation. I am going to share with you few simple steps which I did found very helpful in dealing effectively with this burning issue.

  1. This is probably the most important as everyone has a mobile devices, as phones, tablets, computers connected to the internet. The problem is simple as all those devices as emitting blue light and those rays stop production of melatonin – hormone responsible for sleeping at night. Make sure the device does not ‘sleep’ with you in the bedroom but in different room, at least 2 meters away, if you can’t do this for any reasons, they are app like F.Lux as they job is to reduce the emission of the blue light according to the time of the day and location and this itself can positively affect your sleeping pattern. One of great tip to reduce the impact of harmful blue light is to purchase spider plant as this plant just love this kind of radiation and can help you with your sleeping by creating more beneficial oxygen in the room where you sleep.

  2. Reduce consuming coffee during the day, and do not drink coffee later than at lunch time. Why caffeine is so important in terms of sleeping? Takes 24 hours to stop working. So better do not drink the coffee at all.

  3. Introduce to your daily routine strategic naps, few hours during a day can best way to add to the hours your body need to sleep during the day. However be careful, because when you sleep too long your body can find difficult to settle at night and sleep. Simply do not overdo with napping.

  4. Teach your body a good routine, regular bedtime is always a great idea as help to keep your circadian rhythm in balance. Human body loves routine.

  5. Avoid to the absolutely emergency taking sleeping pills as this unfortunately even more interfere with natural sleeping pattern. It is important to find the cause for the sleep disturbance and defectively remove than trying to deal with symptoms as this will be a very temporary fix.

Personally since I stopped ‘sleeping’ with any mobile devices and all of them are literally in the other room downstairs, and by purchasing few spider plants in the room where in our family those devices are mostly used I found those steps to be enough for me to deal with my sleep deprivation issue. Coffee was never an issue for me as coffee have a sleeping pill effect on me, as making me feel so sleepy.

spider plant.jpg

I hope this post was useful, please feel happy to share with anybody who can benefit with the tips explored in this post.

Lots of love
From Margo and Family

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