Smash Brothers: Melee (Gamecube) Vs. Original (N64) Vs. Brawl (Wii): Best Games Ever Made Vol. 8

in bgem •  7 years ago 

It’s after school on Friday. Classes are done and you and your buddies are trying to figure out what you’re going to do this weekend. But deep down inside you already know.

Your buddy: Hey. Want to come to my place and play some Smash?

You: Hell yeah. Let’s see if [insert other buddies] are going to come.

You’ve both been practicing all week, in between the monotony of school and chores you play and train and play some more, readying yourself for the weekend to face off in a battle royale for honor and glory. And so you can enjoy some all-around all-out fun.

If you’re from the 90’s like me, then you’ll be familiar with the original Super Smash Bros., a now ancient game circa 1999. You could only play a few characters and there weren’t too many bells and whistles (no online support or single player campaign modes, obviously). Yet the genius of taking all of Nintendo’s favorite characters and putting them in one place for players to do battle using their favorite caught on like wild fire.

I remember spending hours and hours huddled around the screen playing that game with my brothers, each of us vying for victory in the merciless whirlwind of precisely timed attacks and careful positioning. I played Link in the original game, and it must be said that I was quite bad in general both with that character and at the game as a whole.

Then came Super Smash Bros Melee for the Gamecube. The hype around the game was ENORMOUS. People were going crazy in the wait for it to come out, as it had significant improvements over the original. Most importantly, the graphics benefited from the move to the Gamecube, and there was a wider library of characters and levels to choose from. I may have sucked at the original game, but I was quite good at Melee.

At the later end of high school and just after friends and I would get together to talk noise and bust each other’s heads (virtually) for bragging rights. A little later in college, my dorm room used to be the place to go to hone your skills, and the competition between us all was fierce (to say the least).

Team battles were especially fun, because it allowed you to make a team based on each other’s strengths and/or weaknesses (or even engineer your team to take the out your opponents favorite champs).

Yes, Melee was king for quite some time, seven years. It’s like an old friend that I can contact at any time to reminisce about the good old days. But those days can’t last forever, and as the sun began to set on them it rose on Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Brawl is a monster of a game. It has an enormous single player campaign mode, plenty of challenges and side quest-like features, and an absolutely explosive character selection, including characters you wouldn’t expect to see in a Nintendo game like Sonic the Hedgehog and Snake from Metal Gear. I can’t really say, on the whole, that it’s as startling or shocking a leap as Melee was from the original, but the improvements made still make it more than worthwhile game.

When it comes down to it…. Which game would win in this fight? Well, I might be biased, but I’d give the gold to Melee by a hair. It might be the nostalgia factor, or it might be that Brawl wasn’t better by enough considering how long it had been since Melee.

The truth is, it doesn’t matter which Super Smash you prefer. Heck, it doesn’t even matter if you’re good at the game. What really matters are the hours of good memories and fierce competition and entertainment that the games have delivered time after time. And that is what makes these games some of the best ever made.

Follow: @jenkinrocket

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This game is a classic. Would play it on N64 and Mario Cart. # 90's kid

I always played Kirby on N64. Later on, I switched to Marth :D
Gosh that was fun!

Nice. Always thought Kirby was fun, but could never quite get the hang of him. All versions of Link were my pref, and Starfox secondary.

I liked Starfox and Link aswell. Played Zelda a few times, but my brother way way better with them. I loved Kirby's turning into a stone move :D

Yeah, Zelda strangely never quite did it for me. Cool character, though. Have seen a lot of people kick ass with her. The stone move was always so annoying/hillarious. Especially if you're a bad Kirby (like me) and you do it right off the freakin' cliff all the time.

Haha, oh yes, I've stoned myself off a cliff quite a few times aswell! Zelda herself was a bit slow, but Sheik was super fast!

Yeah, I always felt they were a good balance. I have mixed feelings about separating the two characters in the later games. You used to be able to switch back and forth.

Exactly! I never knew they seperated them later on. Never played the Wii version.