In the Beginning ... Bible in 365 days: part 1

in bible-in365days •  6 years ago 

My girlfriend and I have both decided to try and read the bible in a year. I have decided to try and use Steemit as a way of writing down my thoughts on what I am reading to force me to not to gloss over the readings and as a way to keep myself accountable. We have decided to read the bible in chronological order in order to appreciate the historical context the most.

I am not a theologian but do think that I would have some decent reflections on what I am reading. So if you are a seasoned Christian, new to the faith, or have not faith at all I am hoping to be able to write something that is at least engaging and interesting to all.

If you don't see me post in over a week please send me a comment and call me out. There is nothing like public shaming to motivate someone to do their homework. I am currently a little behind (suppose to start on July 1) so please forgive me if I skip a day's reading to catch up on the schedule.

Genesis Chapters 1-3

The first reading covered the story of creation and the fall of man.

Genesis sets the foundation for the Christian worldview. Like all buildings if you don't get your foundation correct whatever you build on-top of that foundation will not be very strong. This is why there is so much disagreement over old versus young Earth creation. People get so wrapped up in arguing for their point of view because they want people to have a theologically sound faith but can lose sight of the fact that the diversity of theories can cause non-Christians to be confused about what we do believe.

I personally can't say that I have strong views one way or another. In the end what you absolutely need to believe as a Christian is that the universe and everything in it was created by a loving God and that life would not have began if it wasn't for God's intervention.

The whole debate of evolution versus creation was one of the factors that led me to study Biochemistry for my undergrad. I came out of that experience with no doubt that life could not develop as a result of random natural processes. Life developing on its own completely goes against the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Since everything in nature is going towards randomness; life by its nature actively works against that principle. The belief that cells spontaneously form over time from a mixture of chemicals on their own requires more faith then I have -- and I believe in a God.

Back to the topic at hand.

Hugh Ross is the champion to the appeal to old earth creationism. Hugh is an astronomer and has a fairly interesting story that you can follow below.

Ken Ham on the other hand is a champion of young earth creation and has built a whole museum dedicated to young earth creation.

So essentially you have old earth creationists that are leaning more heavily on current scientific knowledge. While young earth creationists that lean more heavily on the bible while being skeptical of the assumptions made in determining our current scientific body.

So what are your thoughts on creation and why?

The second half of the passage talks about the fall of man from grace in the Garden of Eden. Before people had a perfect relationship with God but because of Sin and free will we have separated ourselves from God. For me the doctrine of since is the best way of explaining why people are the way they are and why there is always going to be conflict in the world. Also the idea that we were created for relationship with God and that is what people are searching for in their general discontent of life also makes a lot of sense personally.

I find it interesting that in Genesis 3:16 the punishment for women is that they will have increased labour pains and a desire for her husband yet he will rule over her.

Not to make any excuses but is this why our default is for men to dominate women in our fallen state?

On the other hand in Genesis 3:18 the punishment for men is that they will have to work much harder for their food and that thrones and thistles will brough forth because of a curse put on the ground.

An often overlooked point here is that weeds are a demonstration of God's love. Most medicinal plants are weeds and do not have to be propagated manually. Therefor when disease entered the world through Sin God provided a way to return to health as part of his punishment that was self propagating.

Let me know your thoughts on Genesis 1-3



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