Bible wisdom: A proverb spoken by a fool is unwelcome, for he does not tell it at the proper time. Ben Sira 20:20

in bible •  last year 

Wisdom is a universal common good for all men and all cultures, but in the Bible, it takes on a special character, because to know wisdom is to know the divine.
The sapiential books that are dedicated to the study of wisdom explain to men something very important, wisdom participates in both science and intelligence, for a reason it is said that wisdom comes from the wise.
On the other hand, the sapiential books are clear, there is no wisdom in fools, and there is no wisdom of evil but simply cunning. Wisdom has to do with life, common sense, well-being, happiness, long life, and the common good; to investigate the mysteries of wisdom is to delve deeper into these concepts, life is not simple for men and to achieve success science is needed.
And this is why the Book of Ben Sira in the Bible gives a beautiful concept to reflect on: "A proverb spoken by a fool is unwelcome, for he does not tell it at the proper time" Ben Sira 20:20.
Proverbs are maxims, moral or ethical sentences that reflect a truth, or a teaching hidden behind appearances. Proverbs as such only come from the wise because they are a reflection of that wisdom that comes from above, in fools there are only lies, Ben Sira taught. There are two discernments, two spiritual paths in life, and whoever follows a fool deceives himself, that is why fools when they say a proverb say it in an inconvenient or distorted way, as Ben Sira taught. And this spiritual truth is translated into a very important proverb: "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm" Proverbs 13:20.
In resume, Proverbs, as Ben Sira taught, are the true treasure of the wise, and whoever always takes them into account can go through life safely without destructive unforeseen events.
Bible wisdom. A proverb spoken by a fool is unwelcome, for he does not tell it at the proper time. Ben Sira 20,20.jpg
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