Wisdom hunter in the Bible: Come to her like one who plows and sows, and wait for her good harvest. Ben Sira 6:19

in bible •  11 months ago 

The teacher of wisdom Ben Sira in the Bible wanted to teach the importance of the most perfect science for men, and he did this in a special way. In a manner similar to the Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:4-8 and Matthew 13:1-8) taught by Lord Jesus, Ben Sira compared the wisdom to a well-cultivated field.
Immediate or instantaneous results cannot be expected from wisdom, because wisdom is edifying, gradual, and progressive. For people who are impatient, superficial, selfish, and want everything now, wisdom only becomes a heavy burden that must be eliminated quickly. This is why wisdom requires something prior to manifest itself with its fruits and blessings, and what must be prior is the fear of God. The spiritual gift of fear of God is defined as constancy, firmness, devotion, equanimity, and stability.
This is why with a brief metaphor Ben Sira compared the sensible man who seeks wisdom with that farmer who with patience and discipline cultivates his field waiting for its fruits:
"My child, from your youth choose discipline,
and when you have gray hair you will still find wisdom.
Come to her like one who plows and sows,
and wait for her good harvest.
For when you cultivate her you will toil but little,
and soon you will eat of her produce" Ben Sira 6:18-19.
How beautiful is wisdom for the sensible man, the wisdom hunter, the master Ben Sira explained, because the sensible man knows how to wait for the times, because things, even if they take time, always arrive. And this is very important because the blessings of wisdom do not come simply; blessings such as longevity or immortality, happiness of heart, prosperity, and a contemplative life come with the years, with assertive decisions. Assertiveness (precision and accuracy) and error are before the mind of man and they must choose.
Wisdom hunter in the Bible. Come to her like one who plows and sows, and wait for her good harvest. Ben Sira 6,19.jpg
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