501c3 Organizations / 3 - 13 - 18

in bible •  7 years ago  (edited)

I'd like to post what I've learned in the past 2 - 3 years about 501c3 organizations, & why I urge EVERYbody to immediately cease patronizing ALL 501c3 organizations. There's no way I can fit all of it into this post, but this post is just a "starter post" on this topic for now. As time permits, I will add more over time.

What Is It: A tax form that grants certain tax exemptions for charities, churches, schools, etc..

What's Wrong With It: A 501c3 organization is ran, & controlled by "the state / government" - NOT God.

Why Would Any God Fearing Organization Become A 501c3: Greed. One of the seven deadly sins. It gives the 501c3 organization MORE tax exemptions than they ALREADY had on their own.

One Of The Requirements To Attain / Maintain 501c3 Status: Do / Say as "the state / government" tell you to.....

Let's break that much down a little bit now. Bottom line in those facts being that if "the state / government" tells the pastor of a church to tell its congregation that Jesus was born in the winter - then THAT'S what the pastor is going to "teach" their congregation. The pastor is no longer allowed to teach the congregation the TRUTH that Jesus was factually born in the fall, because that pastor gave up that right when he / she willfully decided that money was more important to them than leading souls to Jesus. Now keep thinking. How many OTHER lies can you envision, or do you KNOW of, that pastors "teach" their congregations? All for the purpose of the organization gaining more tax exemptions at the cost of SOULS!

IF a pastor refuses to do as "the state / government" tells them to do, then they lose their 501c3 status {their additional tax exemptions}. As I said, a 501c3 "church" is NOT ran by a man of God. No. It is ran by "the state / government". Your pastor is not running the church - "the state / government" is running your church. Because of that fact, your church HAS been lying to you, & will CONTINUE to lie to you in "the state / government's" ongoing agenda to drive souls AWAY from Jesus. Understand? God is not your pastor's "boss" - "the state / government" is your pastor's "boss".

If your son / daughter is attending a 501c3 "school / college" - EXPECT "the state / government" to thoroughly brainwash your child with all manner of lunacy, & wickedness. Look at them. TRY to listen to them. You'll see, & hear with your own eyes, & ears exactly what I'm talking about.

The brazen obvious goal of "the state" being - control, & working towards a specific agenda for satan - NOT God. The "motivation", or rather the "dangling carrot" to those institutions being - tax breaks.......... Think about that for a minute. Seriously give that some thought.

This is one of the reasons that the modern day "church" is becoming extinct. People are learning about this 501c3 evil, & they are finally taking things into their own hands, which honestly, I believe genuinely pleases God that His children are finally seeing all this as it actually is, & are finally turning away from the whole 501c3 deception altogether.

This also lends hard core evidence to why you need to do whatEVER you possibly can do to HOME SCHOOL your child{dren}. Pull them out of those 501c3 so-called "churches", "schools", "colleges", etc.. If you don't KNOW whether or not YOURS is a 501c3? Ask them, or simply utilize the link I provided to look the organization up for yourself. In fact, I would look them up first, & THEN, just as a test to see whether or not they're going to lie when asked - THEN I'd ask them to their face whether or not they are. :-D

I'm thinking that ANOTHER thing we all need to do is write our president about these things. Let's tell him how we feel about them, & that we want him to TERMINATE the 501c3 form, the 501c3 concept, the 501c3 agenda, just, anything & everything about or from the 501c3. Ya feel me here? Let's do this!

Additional Facts
Who Started It: Former President Lyndon B. Johnson

Where You Can Check An Organization's Status: http://501c3lookup.org
{schools, churches, organizations, businesses, etc.}

My alma mater {Fox in Arnold MO} is, sadly, a 501c3. That breaks my heart. The church that I attended so faithfully {People's Church in Arnold MO} as a young lady, & for so many years....... A 501c3.

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excellent informed information. I have spoken with Peter Kershaw at Hushmoney.org he is brilliant

I don't profess to know everything there is to know on this, but one thing I can tell from what I HAVE been learning so far is that it's sinfully deceptive, & costing God a LOT of souls. As I learn more, & as time permits, I intend to provide more for anyone interested. Hopefully, MANY will take an interest as this is so very important.

You spoke with Mr. Kershaw about 501c3s? What did he say? I'd love to know.

Thank you so much.

it was about 14 years ago give or take. I had bought his book..
He is a very kind person and easy to talk to. His is not condesending like many who are anti501-c-3 tend to be.