Jesus speaks of reincarnation in scriptures left out the official Bible. Why was this left out?

in bible •  3 years ago 

Jesus speaks of reincarnation in scriptures left out the official Bible. Why was this left out?

Jesus tells the old Pharisee Nicodemus that he must be reborn in the womb so that he can live by Jesus’ teachings. (John 3) This is the only logical explanation for the core concept of Christianity - restoration only through Jesus.
Of course this was taught by the early Christians. This was the Good News of Jesus. Even someone like Nicodemus, who helped lead the Jews astray, could have a second chance.
The most compelling evidence for reincarnation teaching in early Christianity comes from the emperor Justinian. It was the emperor who declared reincarnation heresy on 543 AD and the church needed 10 years to ‘correct the texts’ and ratify his declaration.

Whoever says or thinks that human souls pre-existed, i.e., that they had previously been spirits and holy powers, but that, satiated with the vision of God, they had turned to evil, and in this way the divine love in them had died out (ἀπψυγείσας) and they had therefore become souls (ψυχάς) and had been condemned to punishment in bodies, shall be anathema(Heresy).

300 years after Origen died, the emperor declared him and his teaching anathema (heresy). Anyone who believed or taught this was now an enemy of Rome and subject of the inquisition. This is why all traces of reincarnation in Christianity was eliminated, and this is what fragmented Christianity into thousands of sects.

The answer to Why do Christians not believe in the concept of reincarnation?

Only within the last 50 years has this threat of heresy subsided and theologians are only now starting to re-examine the early Christian teachings. Ronald Heine does the English speaking world wonderful serve by translating the fragments of Origen's original Greek commentaries on the Gospel of John. In my mind this book does three important things for the modern world:

It gives us a glimpse into the sweet wisdom of Origen, the only person in history to perform a scientific study of all the early version of the Old Testament. The knowledge and wisdom he gained from the Hexapla shines through, especially in his work on John.

Books one and two provides the clearest distinction between Jesus and God as these books concentrate only on John 1:1. This shows the opposition that early Christians had to the trinity dogma and Constantine.
For me, the most important thing about these fragments are what is missing. The first ten books went from John 1:1 to 2:25, but what was destroyed by the roman empire was John 1:8-14, 1:30-51 and 2:1-11. We have enough evidence of Origin's unique insight to know that what he wrote about the baptism of Jesus, the second coming of Elijah and Jesus' turning water into wine in Cana posed grave danger to the dogma created by the emperor Justinian to further his rule of the Roman empire.

Ronald Hein continues his valuable work on the second half of Origen's Commentary on John. As one of the last of Origen's works, it is in my opinion the most important for our world today. This book is rare since it is translated from his original Greek and not from a Latin dogma-adjusted summary.

This book provides great insight into the logic that Origen used in his analysis of the entire text of the bible – comparing the same phrase’s meaning at each occurrence and weighing most reasonable meaning, while providing the reader with his analysis. Thanks to Mr. Heine, modern researchers have access to enlightened period that existed prior to the dark ages.

Again, this second half of the fragments provide a clear picture as to what the materialistic rulers of Rome feared in Origen. The commentaries on the most controversial chapters were completely destroyed – chapters 3,4,6,7,9,10,12. In addition, the following sections are also missing 4:1-12, 8:1-18, 8:26-36 and 11:1-38.

Is there any evidence of reincarnation in the bible?

The Bible available to us today does not explain reincarnation in great detail, but there are a number of clear references to it. Looking at the many passages surrounding the second coming of Elijah (Mal. 4:5, Matt. 16:13-14 and 17:10-13, Mark 9:11-13, Mark 6:14-16, John 1:19-21), one gets the impression that reincarnation was a common belief at the time the Bible was written from all of these comments about someone being born again and the longing for a Prophet to come again. This would explain why there is not much detail on it, since one does not have to elaborate on concepts that are common knowledge.

Nicodemus was concerned about his ability to change at such a late stage in his life when he asked Jesus: “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” Jesus’ answer was: “Most assuredly.” In John 3:1-21, Jesus is telling an old man, who had just heard the teachings of Jesus, that clearly he did not have enough years left to change his ways, but that through God’s Love he would have at least another life in which he could live according to these new teachings.

Modern genetic research confirms that it was impossible for any human to live to the ages quoted in the Old Testament. Genetic research done on human remains confirms that there has been no change in the human body over this time period. Genesis 5:5 says: “So all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died.” This is not the same as saying Adam lived to be 930 years old. Saying that his total years on Earth were 930 reconciles modern scientific knowledge with the Bible. It also helps to properly place biblical events into both geological and archeological history, since Adam’s 930 years could have been scattered over a 10 to 20 thousand-year time span.

The eruption of the volcano Santorini (on the island of Thera, north of Crete) in 1646 BC, has helped historians to accurately date Joseph’s life. The volcanic ash fallout from this eruption most likely caused the 7 years of famine, and which forced Jacob and his family to travel south to Egypt. Based on this, Jacob-Israel died around 1627 BC.* At the same time, archeologists have placed Abram’s life in the 22nd century BC. It does not take super-human life spans to explain the missing 400 years in this family history when you consider the possibility of multiple lives.

Intuitively, it is hard to believe that it was the same Jacob who so easily stole his older brother’s firstborn right, but later, so patiently put up with many years of abuse in order to win the daughter of Laban. It is also hard to believe that the great hunter Esau let his brother get away with such a dirty trick. It is more likely that he tracked down and killed Jacob for his treachery shortly after he discovered it. This means that the Jacob-Israel who woke up in Genesis 28:18 did so 400 years later, in a new life on Earth, and with a stronger belief in God. This logically explains Jacob’s 147 years on Earth, after dying in his 80’s in Egypt. It also helps to explain how Esau’s family got so big in what was earlier thought to have been a short period of time.

And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed; And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of. And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not. And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven. And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it. (Genesis 28:11–18)
Genesis 28 is where the 400 years were lost. This is a good example of how God plays an active role in people’s lives. Jacob had gone astray in his life. Rather than let him continue in the wrong direction. God ended his life (he took the ladder to Heaven). His spirit went to Heaven where he relearned his mission on Earth and then was reborn 400 years later as the ethical man we know as Jacob-Israel.

Note: Many use Hebrews 9:27 to say that reincarnation is not God’s wish, and these are typically born-again Christians who do not take John 3:4–5 literally. But back to Hebrews. Jesus said “Let the dead bury their dead” (Matt 8:22) which points to the different meanings of the words dead, death and to die. The fallen angels died in the Fall, but they are immortal beings, so their death was a spiritual death, a separation from the divine - separation from God’s Will. This death happened once and will not happen again - thus we are to die once - be separated from God once. Jesus came to reconnect the dead or the fallen with God.
*Santorini Volcano

Ref: Wann hat Abraham Gelebt?

Christianity today has its roots in the pagan Roman empire - it’s trinity dogma and eternal damnation dogma are tools to control the people. Reincarnation is still considered blasphemy in many Christian sects. But this is not what was taught up to the 6th century AD.

The trinity dogma gave all of God’s powers to the leader of Rome - God’s messenger on earth - and look at what they did with this power. Eternal Damnation Dogma gave power over the after life to the pagan emperor and later the pope.

There is plenty of evidence of reincarnation in science , in the bible and in the statement of the roman emperor

  • all you have to do is look.

The greatest Father of the Church was Origen of Alexandria

(185–254 AD), but he is still considered a heretic because of the emperor Justinian. Nevertheless, part of the Catholic church has been busy resurrecting the remaining fragments of his over 6,000 works. The Catholic University of America Press has been publishing his original works and also those that were later transcribed into Latin
and changed to adapt the dogma of the 6th century.

Origen’s knowledge of the bible was unmatched now and then. For him reincarnation is the greatest gift of God and integral to the salvation Apocatastasis
of mankind through a slow reconciliation process. It is the only logical way that “all the sheep come home” (Luke 15:4-5) and “all debts are repaid to the last farthing” (Matt 5:26).

One of the greatest stories of reincarnation is from Joan of Arc. If you study her life and her accomplishments, the only explanation for her young strength and knowledge is that she was the reincarnation of the goddess Athena, the fallen archangel and mate of Michael. The church burned her at the stake because they were afraid of her, as the Jews were afraid of Jesus. It took France nearly a millennium to recognize their mistake.

It is now time to recognize Origen as the Spirit of Truth

(John 14:17 15:26 16:13) Jesus promised to send to explain the Word. Origen did exactly this and then Rome destroyed it.
answer to Where in the Bible is reincarnation mentioned?

As I understood it, it was the 5th Council of Nicea (Also referred to as the second Council of Constantinople) that removed all references to reincarnation from the Bible. At the time, Emperor Justinian didn’t want to be reminded that he was going to have to come to eventual terms with all his bad deeds.
So, the Council did his bidding, good Catholics all, and removed references to reincarnation (and God only knows what else) from the Bible. Except for one.

Romans 5:14:
Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
Adam, the figure of him who was to come, Jesus. Yep, Jesus was Adam. As Adam, he helped bring sin into the world, so he atoned as Jesus to remove it.

I’ll never forget how shocked I was when I discovered this and how the truth spoke to me. It all made so much sense.

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Thank you for sharing this. Bless you