Change your life

in bible •  5 years ago  (edited)

If we want to change our life, we need to start with our mind.

The key to a transformed life is to deal with our mind. The bible says to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom 12 v 2).

There are a number of aspects to this renewing process. When we mention our minds, we immediately are drawn to our thought life.

Our thoughts are hard to harness, emotions run wild, and let's face it, our circumstances can't always be controlled so it's hard to keep our mind as it should be. Unexpected circumstances are ripe for causing us all manner of thoughts and emotions!

So.....It's best to start with something we can control easily.

What we can control are our beliefs. If we're believing right, then we're setting the rest of the chain reaction of thoughts, emotions and actions on the right path.


What we believe will influence our thoughts, emotions and ultimately how we act and react.

Beliefs + situation = emotions & desires + thoughts, leading to actions and reactions.

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Step one in changing our lives, is making sure our beliefs are solid on the Rock of our Salvation, and on His uncompromising Word.

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