1)Failure is not an option, it's a privilege acquired from many trials. Even if a trial leads to failure, one has already gained an experience, and as we know a bad experience always turns to be a Good experience and lead finally to victory those who try.
- Philosopher Socrates of Ancient Greece: ''There's one thing I only know, that I don't Know Anything''.
3)God helps not ony those who want to help themselves, by asking for help from Him, but basically those who help others.
4)The more a reward delays, the bigger it will be..It's like investment in Bank and higher interests after longer time. - They key to a successful long time marriage is a Short memory, thus:''Be the first to say Sorry''..
- You can never understand position of others unless you experience same thing and come to this position..
- The Great Ancient Greek politician named 'Solon' had visited Crissus a very rich king of Babylone; during discussion, actually in the end of discussion Solon told him: ''Never call anyone happy, until the end of his life.. The opposite also applies: Never call anyone unhappy, until he/she becomes aged. May be God will help him, toward end of his life, and has finally a happy destiny.