Verify I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury for all they did cast in of their abundance; hut she of her want sis cast in all that she had, even all her kiving" (Mark 12:43,44).
Is it not amazing to see the devotion of this godly widow? She was probably aware of what the priests were doing with most of the money. If she was an ordinary woman, she would have thought, "What is the use of gving all that I have to the temple, seeing the way the money is misused?" (They obviously wasted money on ornate stones and elaborate temple decreations. Luke 21:5).
What do we learn from the widow's offering? First of all, she believed she was giving to God, and not to man. The widow obviously also had the revelation that god wanted her very best. When God's love, God;s pure love, fills our soul, giving sacrificially will be delight rather than a law or demand. As our love for the Lord grows we will be more and more willing to offer everything to hesus in spite of all that is happening around us.
At that time when this poor widow offered all she had to God. Jesus had not yet died to set her a perfect example. In view of this fact, how much more willing and delighted we should be to give to our Lord who gave His last drop of blood for us, sinners!
Dear child of God, have you ever withheld anything that should have been given to God, looking at the circumstances about you?.
Amen !