"Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord" (Gen 6:8)
This is the first mention of 'grace' in the word of God. The context is the time when the world was corrupt to the core and people were grieving the heart of God. The Lord pours His grace upon His people when there is darkness and sin everywhere - so that they may be preserved.
Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. This is the secret to find grace - looking only unto the eyes of the Lord. Had Noah looked elsewhere, he woild have found disgrace instead of grace. We often lose or miss the grace of God because we look to man, instead of to the Lord.
Noah 'found' grace, as he sought for it. Had he not sought for it, he could have never found it. What made him seek it? The corruptions around him. "Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound" (Rom 5:20). So child of God, when surrounded by evil and when in tempting situations, do not fail to look to the eyes of the Lord for grace.
The grace of God that was in Noah made him perfect and just in the Old Testament. How musch more certainley the grace of God will make us perfect and just in this Grace Period! "They which receive abundance of grace...shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ" (Rom 5:17).
Amen !