Overcoming life through in the Blood of Jesus - Bible Meditation #biblewords

in biblemedition •  last year 

"They overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony" (Rev 12:11).

One blessing we get through the blood of Christ is an overcoming life. Through the blood of Jesus Christ we receive a life of overcoming sin, Satan, sickness (hereditary sickness, curse spells, witchcraft, childhood disease, ete), fear of death, fear of the future, fear of disease, etc. In breif, the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ has a unique power that can enable us to overcome anything that is of the devil, world and sin.
              It is called the 'blood of the Lamb' and not, 'blood of the lion'. Inother words, as we are continuously washed in the blood of Christ, we are gradually being made lambs, being made meek and lowly. "And I looked unto the Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with Him an hundred forty and four thousand..."(Rev 14:1). Those who stand with the Lamb of God must be lambs (in character).
                 May the Lord helps us not to hide any secret sin but bring everything to the light, repent of them, confess them and have them washed in the blood of Jesus, so that we may be able to overcome all things and enjoy all his blessings now and throughout Eternity. "He that overcometh shall inherit all things."

Amen !

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