I honestly think Obama upset the Clinton-Bush Dynasties attempt at world domination. He is the man they have prepared, may even have played a part in his birth, if not, they surely handled him from the moment he was born, and have crafted the narrative and path of his life. Don't believe that just because he's gone from here, he's gone from destroying things. You can think of him as the serpent in the Garden of Blinton. Today American Eden, tomorrow the world.
But I digress. We know Kissenger says he's the man, Soros backed him for America and will as he makes his global debut, but I suspect the Clintons and Bushes thought they were powerful enough to still do what they wanted after a short detour of the Obama Presidency. Either Jeb Bush or Hillary would be the next president, period, and since HIllary was pushed aside in 08, and she was a rabid dog by this election cycle, and she has all the goods on everyone, and already has the international ''humanitatian'' organization the Clinton Foundation, and already has the Clinton Global Initiative, they just KNEW the time was now.
You know she probably called, calls, Obama all kinds of nigglet names when she's not being recorded. Ever see the clip of Bill, i think it was during the election cycle of 08, saying how not long ago if Obama were at that meeting, he'd be carrying their bags, talking to ted kennedy? I'll try to find.
I suspect the the higher ups were well aware of what the Clintushs were up to, and that they gave Obama everything he needed to keep her out of office in 08, as a show of what happens if you try to get ahead of yourself. But they gave her the position an power she needed to build up her international network to more easily facilitate their trafficking operations around the world. (everything from children, drugs, lest you forget, we're protecting poppy fields and pedophiles in Afghanistan , guns, money, land, gov't influence, war, regime change. What you want? If you have the money, you got it.
Earlier I was thinking, well i think i read it on a fb memory that God happen to have them put up today, about the story of the scorpion and the crocodile. it goes like this.
There was a scorpion who asked a crocodile to give it a ride across the lake. The croc, being no fool, said ''no way! you're a scorpion! You'll sting me and I'll die!"
The scorpion replied ''No I won't! If I sting you on the water, you'll die, but I will drown and die too!"
The croc again considers and decides that makes sense and invites the scorpion to be ferried across the lake. When they reached the middle of the lake, the scorpion stung the crocodile. Shocked, dying, and going down, he cries to the scorpion, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! NOW WE'LL BOTH DIE!"
The scorpion answered before going under, ''What did you expect? I'm a scorpion!"
The story is also told as an eagle asked to carry a poisonous snake up high at which point the serpent bites the eagle, and when asked why, the serpent responds ''I'm a serpent. I am what I was created to be." Even in the fable the serpent blames God... Actually, I suppose this one fits better, wouldn't you agree?
Obama promised Hillary that if she helped him, waited her turn, took him to the highest place an American ''eagle'' can fly, the presidency, he wouldn't bite her, if she carried him to the heights, they'd both reach the heights, and he wouldn't bite her. They'd finish their lyft eagle ride up on high, and she'd continue her flight, solo eagle flying above it all.
But Obama is a bitter angry backstabbing serpent. He holds grudges, and he knows how to serve revenge cold. Ask Paula Deen, 2 time Obama voter, one time Michelle Obama insulter (by telling the truth that the woman trying to force cardboard on the kids for lunch, ate more food than ANY guest she had on her cooking show, even eating through commercial breaks, and tons of fatty foods like sauced party wings), forever labeled ''RACIST" a couple short years later. Do you think Obama, who more than likely blackmailed them to force her to put her support behind him, has forgotten any slight anyone, her, Bill, or anyone from her organizations, has ever even implied or he imagined they implied (true progressive, he always feels microaggressed I'm sure)?
Seems to me he did just enough, and is doing just enough, to make it APPEAR he was supporting her, but really he didn't do a lot for her before the election, and he's kind of half heartedly sticking to the Russian hacking narrative, because he does need to stir up trouble for Trump, but he's been very wishy washy. We know when he wants to straight up lie ''you can keep your doctor'', he will. so why won't he just lie better? He's a serpent, and he bit her on the way out. It doesn't matter to him if he ''dies'' here in America, if his reputation is crap, because he believes he's got the support he needs from the powers, and from the people of the ''global community'' to continue to his final place over "One Nation Earth'' as some sometimes call it in end of the world flicks, none accurate Biblically btw.
So what of Trump? Well he was considered by them to be a ''Pied Piper'' candidate. Again, some of you will remember me trying to figure out who ''the pied piper'' was, which was that I kept seeing these gas masked figures, and there was an association with the pied piper at the time. i can't recall a lot about it, but it's in my posts from like '12, '13 something like that and in my pics from around that time. The pied piper is shown at denver airport, with sword, gas mask, and dead kids if i'm not mistaken.
Well in the wikileaks it was revealed that they believed they could make any of the candidates, but trump had very good potential, as a ''pied piper'' to draw support to him, but then ''BOOM" they'd threaten him, or release something that would make him withdraw, as you saw they did with the excellent black candidate Herman Cain against Obama, and actually as they did with Republican Jack Ryan, who would have won Obama's senate seat against him, but for a sudden leak of a sex scandal involving his divorce from Jeri Ryan, aka 7 of 9, Democrat, I mean, a Borg from Star Trek Voyager. Surprise, he withdrew, Obama wins Ill senator.
They thought they could use the same strategy they used against the whitest, clean livingest, easily intimidated, and unwilling to fight fire with fire Mitt Romney, who they called all kinds of evil, while he confirmed for everyone he thought Obama was a good man. If your enemy is attacking you, lying, calling you names, demonizing, slandering, etc, you, you don't affirm to his supporters that he's a ''good'' person, and you don't affirm that to your supporters either, because they knew better. They knew that there is NOTHING more divisive in America than the hurt of past institutional legal racism and slavery in the ''black community'' to which I do not belong.
Don't get me wrong. I'm black. I do not however belong to any group thinking homogenous liberal defined, ''black community'' that recognizes self appointed hive leaders, like sharpton, jackson, obama, the whole blm movement, who claim to speak for all black people. yeah that's easy to do when you demonize, bully, ostracize, and just plain declare black people who don't believe the nonsense they spew ''not black'', therefore they speak for all black people they recognize as black who agree with them. Other blacks are a figment of your imagination. Go back to sleep.
At any rate, they played up the racism, and in prep for hillary, played up the sexism angle just a little when sneaking that unvetted unknown usurper Obama into the White House. They basically said ''If you join us in making history by voting in the first black president, you won't be a racist." And black people who know nothing at all, not a thing about our Constitution, political process, the law, or the man they voted for, voted for the very racist reason of him being tan. If he had been married to a white woman, he could not have won. There are articles where black people said that.
But the problem, and actually there are several, but the main problem is Hillary is not Barack. First, America is far more sensitive about race than gender. Especially because of dealing with what's known as ''third wave feminists'' who refuse to actually look at sexism around the globe, like in the middle east, but keeps making up battles in the west, where the laws FAVOR women often. Ever notice they never want to be equally represented in fields like sewage workers, miners, garbage collectors, all overwhelmingly male. They also have no problem with the fact the men are being declared better women than women...(one of our favorite ''kardasian men'' that have been ruined. chick with a... Bruce ''cait'' jenner ''woman of the year, remember?) Most people care very little of being falsely accused AGAIN of being a sexist by some screeching white female social justice warriors white knighting for 'oppressed minorties and marginalized peoples'.
So much of the sexism stuff against Trump fell completely flat but for the brainwashed deluded masses supporting her. They ignore anything they don't want to believe, and believe anything that supports their narratives. I actually saw a crying, melting snowflake after the election, made a video on purpose and uploaded this, saying that he couldn't believe Trump supporters cared more about truth and integrity, than tolerance (or fairness, but he definitely said...) or equality. They actually believe that truth doesn't matter. Equality of outcome, by any means necessary, damn the truth. They believe when all us who disagree are out their world, they'll stop ''having to be'' lying, nasty, deceiving, violent, angry, bitter, self righteous know it alls, well at least better than you evil people even an inch right of me, because i am left and that's good. Then their socialist global utopia will be perfect! unless you hint of disagreement, or can be useful to sacrifice to say put down any possible resistence...
It fell flat mostly because anyone alive knows Bill Clinton is a dirty womanizer. We KNOW what he did in the Oval Office, and we KNOW of the many many women who have given sworn testimony that has been basically ignored not surprisingly, of actual rape, multiple affairs, even a man named Arkansa Danney Williams (or Danny) who looks eirily like Bill Clinton with a tan, and is being ignored even though he claims to want to take a dna test to prove Bill his father. There's a claim one was taken in the 90s, but Danny said it didn't happen.
IDK if you ever saw or read Primary Colors. John Travolta played a very Clintonesque character, and it was supposed to be fiction based on the Clinton campaign. In the movie one of his closest aides, played by Kathey Bates, commits suicide, because the candidate had been accused of fathering a child with a teenage black girl, and although it turned out someone else was proven the father, she had learned he sent a fake sample, meaning he COULD have been the father. Was worried he might be... just a thought.
As far as their attempt to make this about race... Well here's the thing. Part of the reason some whites, voted for Obama was out of fear. Fear of what happened anyways after he was in office. They were afraid if they didn't, blacks would become violent, or would be angry at least, and what would Romney do? Talk about how nice the violent rioters are as people, even if they are acting in a violent manner? But after they voted for Obama, some of them twice, saying they should at least give him that chance, hoping he'd be a uniter and not divider, they still got called racist, sexist, homophobe, islamophobe, xenophobe, did I miss anything? oh TRANSPHOBE and ABLEIST, an the list grows longer daily. They still got #blm, race riots in the streets, police officers being targeted and murdered with little care of the democratic progressive left, and the rino progressives in the GOP.
You want to know what the ''clown'' sightings were about? They were trying to predictive program you to fear Donald Trump, who they call a clown, a fool, a joker. What I think happened is that they never expected him to get that far, and predictive programming takes a lot longer, and requires ignorance on the part of the ones being programmed. Far more people are aware, in part because they were so desperate they poured it on noticeably strong, of the way subliminal programming, predictive programming, mk ultra type trauma based programming, etc works, or at least that it exists. And as I mentioned before, it's really only those already deluded that accept this kind of nonsense. They have no grounding in reality, and believe, and feel, what they are told to by the talking heads in the overwhelmingly extremely left leaning media, including Fox for the most part. I try to ''triangulate'' most things i post about. That is, I have to at least see it from 3 sources, divergent sources, before I post it, even if I don't post all the sources. Don't always do it, but try to.
Now again, the most OBVIOUS reason that that attacks on anyone who appeared not to support HIllary as racists failed is SHE'S WHITE! They love to try to conflate things. Sodomite ''civil rights" have NOTHING TO DO with the fight for civil rights of blacks. A behavior, no matter how long you imagine you've thought about practicing it, is not the same as an immutable physical characteristic one is born with. No one could ever, but for them saying, or by presenting behavior publically, KNOW they are homosexual.
They try to claim you can't EVER tell if someone is gay by the way they act, speak, dress, etc, and that would be true, if they didn't attempt to present in the caricature of femininity they do. Granted, there are some men who, put of a kind of feminine gentleness that can be mistaken as gay (but just because someone is married with kids, doesn't mean they aren't having same sex sex), they call them ''metrosexual'' these days. We just called them soft. But sodomites who present these traits developed due to the lifestyle and people they surround themselves with. They don't say their first word with a lisp, nor do they ''switch'' when they learn to walk. That's that sort of walk that exxagerates the hip moving back and forth. I always thought they were advertising.
And so they tried to conflate any criticism of hillary, or any female, as sexism, which was against an oppressed group, like black people, who have been fighting as marginalized people, like lgbt, and illegal intruders in our country, but forget the illegal part, just immigrants, thus to say anything about anyone female, black, gay, who's an immigrant, and lest we forget islamic, is an attack on all of them. And who is the oppressor of them all?! Why that racist, sexist, antisemite, islamophobe, homophobe, transphobe, xenophobic WHITE MALE 'CISGENDER' (which means NORMAL male) ''CHRISTIANish'' PATRIARCHAL SYSTEM RULER! The MAN! The ESTABLISHMENT! (100 points if you can tell me why labeling Donald Trump by any of those labels is a laugh, but especially the ''racist, sexist, antisemite, homophobe, xenophobe."parts. idk about his dealings in relations to trans, and we all know he's not afraid, rationally or irrationally of trans, or islam. In fact, his willingness to stand up to the bully Islam is part of why he won).
Again a problem for Hillary,because she IS the establishment. She IS the Man. Barack was a newbie out of nowhere with his records sealed. Hillary has been around for 40 years publically. We've KNOW HER! And unlike with Mitt Romney in 12, and even Mc Cain in 08, who few knew much about, especially on the left, but even on the right many were not terribly informed on them, and what was known about Mc Cain didn't help him, and knowing that Obamacare was much like Romneycare which he did in his state, didn't help Romney. Honestly, he was too ''good'' in the eyes of the left, morally speaking, and they couldn't have anyone who would slow their perverse agenda.
Donald Trump, unlike those politicians running before, and against him, not only is an outsider, he's a world famous, world renowned, well known, much liked, much hated (but for personality reasons, not because they disagree with him if they hear him, or an idea of his not knowing it's him. no they generally think he's a smart guy, just arrogant etc) who people have known for as long as hillary. In 40 years, though I understand his father had been accused of being racist in real estate dealings (which may or may not have been completely accurate, could have been about money, not race, and given what we know about the demonizers, i don't believe anything from them outright), but no one ever before he ran, accused him of being racist.
There were occassional questionable in taste things he's said or done the left INSISTS are sexist. Even going as far as to claim that makng the claim that some raunchy private guy talk where he spoke of GROUPIES who throw themselves at famous people and LET YOU=CONSENTS TO YOU, touching them in a sexual manner, was a confession of NONCONSENTUAL SEXUAL ASSAULT! I don't think he has to tighten the libel laws to sue them. They clearly slandered and libeled him repeatedly. But he didn't diddle a young intern in the oval office with a foreign object...so there's that. He also wasn't found 23 times on the flight log for bill, or at least 6 for hillary, to convicted pedo sex offender jeff epstein's ''orgy island'' where underage children were abused, even though they attempted to connect Donald to him, while ignoring the Clintons involvement.
So to wrap this up, anyone who paid any attention knows that all the forces of hell tried to get Hillary elected, literally, except for one who's half-hearted support was a clear signal to his black supporters to take her or leave her, that snake that bit that eagle. NEVER before has anyone had more money, more lies, more attacks from the media, more paid agitators, more pressure launched at them in a political contest in America, maybe even in the world. They CHEATED! They encouraged illegal voting activities. Obama told illegals who said they were afraid they'd get in trouble if they went to vote, to VOTE without fear! and the so called ''popular vote'' win? first of all, she won the popular vote by a statistically reasonable amount of illegal votes and there were probably more, based on past elections, and she won them primarily in one state, california, in the SF ''sanctuary cities'' bay area, and in the LA "sactuary cities'' county. Which means she won 1 of 50 state elections, and DC by several million probably illegal votes.
What does that have to do with anything anyways though? The election in November is to decide WHO GETS YOUR STATES ELECTORAL VOTES, NOT FOR PRESIDENT! No matter how many million votes more than Trump she got in California, she wins 55 votes, because California voters do not decide who gets the electoral votes from Wisconson, Pennslyvania, Ohio, or Florida, get it?
In all this I didn't bring up God. Some people mistake me thinking I am saying that Trump was ''prophecy'' because I've said that God used Trump to slam to door of the woman who like the first woman thought she'd finally get to usurp ''godhood'' from the man. Finally the promise of the serpent would come to pass, but God said NOPE! Instead of shattering a glass ceiling, she found herself cut by that magic mirror that refected all her nastiness and evil, so that like the Portrait of Dorian Gray she saw mosters, but didn't recognize it was her and those helping her lie, steal, cheat and kill her way to the top, and thought she was seeing the enemy above her, from the right. That doesn't mean that I believe Trump is ''godly'' or that he's some kind of saviour.
I've written before about him being a type like Nebuchadnezzer,not Nimrod as some say. He had a problem with pride, but God worked it out of him over 7 years living out his human mind like a beast. But if you've read Daniel, you will find out that it is by Nebuchadnezzers own hand, his own declaration written in Scripture (holy men moved by the Holy Spirit wrote the Scripture...HOLY MEN WROTE AKA SAVED selah!) what happened, and why. He ends by declaring that Daniel's God IS GOD and no one had better say otherwise! Trump may have a pride issue, but he doesn't have an integrity issue, at least to the extent he can not be used by God to cause someone with NO integrity to fall from that proud entitled perch she built for herself.
He may be Nebuchadnezzer, but Hillary is Mystery Babylon in the flesh... a little satan worshipping mystery religion practitioner. Like the woman riding the beast that hates her, and turns to devour her flesh, the progressive beast, she tried to control to usurp authority over the world. She ain't ''him'' though. When the antichrist is seated, you'll see.
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