Bitcoin Price Day 21 November 2017

in bictcoin •  7 years ago 

Rates and Prices Bitcoin, Litecoin and Doge today
1 Bitcoin (BTC) = 6705.80 USD

1 Bitcoin Cash (BCH) = 988.55 USD

1 Litecoin (LTC) = 61.21 USD

1 Ethereum (ETH) = 304.15 USD

USD to Rupiah rate = Rp 13.543

Price 1 Bitcoin to Rupiah = Rp 90.816.649

Price 1 Bitcoin Cash to Rupiah = Rp 13.387.932

Price 1 Litecoin to Rupiah = Rp 828.967

Price 1 Dogecoin to Rupiah = Rp 16.60

Price 1 Ethereum to Rupiah = Rp 4,119,103

The above exchange rate monitoring is based on the spot price in the market


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