Biden administration is talking about preemptive pardons.

in biden •  3 months ago 


Of course, I've already voiced my opposition to the Hunter Biden pardon.

Now the Biden administration is talking about preemptive pardons.

I don't really care too much what they do with Liz Cheney and the like.

If they give Fauci a preemptive pardon, I will riot in the streets.

A preemptive pardon for Fauci shows one of two things.

The less awful of the two would be that it shows that the Democrats are thinking, "Oh no, Trump might do the same thing to us as we did to him! Let's nip this in the bud."

In regard to Fauci, I think that gaslighting is a dick move, and that he gaslit the country; but, I don't think that gaslighting should be punishable with prison time.

What I care about is that there's a far more likely than not possibly that he signed off on the gain of function research on Wuhan after such research was banned. The lab leak theory is probably true.

So, he signed off on research that he knew was dangerous, and millions of people died.

That's the definition of reckless homicide. You're doing something that you bears the risk of death or serious bodily injury, disregard the risk, do the thing anyway, and somebody dies.

Daniel Penny is facing four years for that trumped up charge in New York as I write this.

So, about 1.2 million deaths, four years each, 4.8 million years in prison.

Now, before anybody steps in and says that reckless homicide isn't a federal crime, and is handled by local law enforcement, remember that Trump was accused of federal crimes, and they pulled unprecedented legal gymnastics to even bring it to trial.

Y'all seemed okay with that. This is politics. You pull some bullshit, the other side is gonna pull right the fuck back.

Also, I gotta imagine that there is a federal law that covers engaging in banned behaviors that result in the death of more than a million American citizens, not to mention millions more worldwide.

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