For all my objections to Trump, which were plentiful, and despite my objection to his bump stock ban, I had to admit that it was a smart political move.
The people who wanted more gun restrictions heard about a scary thing and Trump managed to get it banned in a week. Gun advocates were on a spectrum of people who didn't know what bump stocks were, viewed them as a novelty item, viewed them as a hindrance, or would actually show that you could get the same effect by using your belt loop.
Namely, the people who cared about banning bump stocks knew literally nothing about guns and the people who know about guns just didn't care very much.
The Biden proposal isn't just morally objectionable and absurd, it should be political suicide.
In a nutshell, it's a proposal that would classify guns that look like weapons of war as weapons of war. An AR-15 would be treated like an M-16 because they look alike. Government has been trying to ban guns due to cosmetics rather than functionality for a long time. It doesn't make any more damn sense now than ever.
Furthermore, this would hold gun manufacturers liable in civil lawsuits if the guns are used when committing a crime. Again, this is nothing new. Hillary Clinton has supported that. Bernie Sanders, by contrast, in a rare lucid moment for him, opposed it. This should be opposed by everybody. This would hold people legally responsible for not breaking a law. Even if you support banning all private ownership of guns, you should be opposed to this.
This whole thing is simply wrong.